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△ 2003 | 台灣 Taiwan | 彩色 Colour | 31 min

△ 導演 Director |  陳界仁 Chen Chieh-jen

2012 台灣國際紀錄片影展 TIDF

△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.11 Thurs. 14:00  ▎


年華老去的她們拿著一件灰色成衣西裝,鏡頭異常緩慢推進,彷彿引領觀者進入的不是西裝內裏,而是一段被台灣歷史遺忘、遭現代化社會遺棄的女工生命。她們的春青歲月銘刻在台灣的加工歷史,隨著工廠遷移東南亞、惡性倒閉,以及搖旗吶喊、集體臥軌的抗爭,一同被懸置在無人理會的荒廢工廠。2003 年,陳界仁邀請聯福製衣廠女工,回到她們曾經工作二十多年、如今時間停止的工廠,拍攝她們醒醒睡睡間,以顫抖的手重拾舊日工作。黑白影片穿插,昔日榮景與今日殘跡並置,饒富寓意的視覺構圖和敘事,詩意無聲,凝滯時間流動,女工直視鏡頭的目光成為最有力的控訴。


'Factory' documents a group of workers returning to the now-abandoned factories at which they were once employed in Taiwan. The film is a visual meditation on workers, assembly lines, and the consumable products they produced. A textbook case of globalization, Taiwan once flourished as a manufacturing powerhouse but then saw its factories move overseas as labor in other countries became cheaper. The film seeks to show that the cycle of production, consumption and obsolescence not only applies to commodified objects, but people too.


陳界仁 Chen Chieh-jen


台灣當代藝術家,80 年代戒嚴時期從事行為藝術,用身體碰撞體制,解嚴後沉寂數年,直至 1996 年採電腦修照方式推出《魂魄暴亂》系列才重啟創作。2000 年後錄像作品著重影像敘事策略,以形式表達對邊緣、歷史的省思,書寫人民記憶,代表作有《凌遲考:一張歷史照片的迴音》、《加工廠》、《殘響世界》等,作品多次參與國際當代藝術展覽。


Born in 1960, and based in Taipei, Chen Chieh-jen is known for exploring political issues and marginalized communities through the mediums of photography, installation, performance and video art. His work has been shown all over the world, including Bienal de São Paulo (1998), Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume in Paris (2001) and the Tate Gallery in Liverpool (2006).

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