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◎ 時間:10/27(五)19:30(19:00開放入場)

◎ 地點:客家音樂戲劇中心 2 樓劇場

◎ 單場票:300 元 / 身障敬老票:單場 150 元 / 鄰里優待票:單場 150 元

◎ 套票:600 元(開幕場、特映會、閉幕場 全 3 場)

► 放映影片:曼谷青春紀事

► 音樂現場:DJ David Geer

► 影像片段:快板滑行

◎ Date and Time: 10/27 (Fri), 19:30, Open seating, doors open at 19:00

 Location: Hakka Music and Theater Center, 2nd Floor Theater

 Tickets: 300 NTD per event (150 NTD for disabled / Special needs audience members and district residents with registered ID)

◎ Package Tickets: 600 NTD for 3 events (Opening Event, Special Screening, Closing Performance)

 Opening Film: #BKKY

 Live Music: DJ David Geer

 Live Footage: Skateboarding


Bangkok Youth: Electronica, Skateboarding and Love

DJ David Geer | 德國 Germany

德國古典樂跨界實驗電音鬼才 David Geer,6歲學大提琴,2005年與哥哥組成提琴二重奏 DuoCord。現代曲風融合意第緒與羅馬尼亞傳統音樂,音樂作品獨樹一格,受邀到德國世界民謠音樂節 TFF-Rudolstadt、奧地利敘事藝術節 Fabelhaft 等國際音樂節演出。2013 年,他在科隆音樂與舞蹈學院修習大提琴,卻與次文化和電音產生新火花,同年正式開啟 DJ 生涯,在伍珀塔爾地區小型夜店演出。深厚的古典音樂背景,讓他接引傳統音樂為底氣,實驗重組古典音符,詮釋出獨樹一格的另類電音,變幻莫測且驚喜不斷,使追求聽覺刺激的樂迷為之瘋狂。


David Geer is a trained classical cellist from Germany who started to DJ in 2013. His classical training and long-standing interest in traditional folk music adds an exciting, whimsical tilt to his style of electronica music.

​歌曲試聽 Soundcloud:

Special Screening


◎ 2016 | 泰國 Thailand | 75min  台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol

【放映場次 Schedule】

► 10/27(五)FrI. 19:30【特映場 Special Screening】

►  10/29(日)Sun. 15:20【16:45 咖啡座 Coffee Talk】導演開講——南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol

曼谷青春紀事 #BKKY

青春反叛的躁動世代,快樂如何定義?是性別渴求的自由凝止與流動,反抗體制的禁忌與壓抑,還是無視他者凝視,忘卻國族、政治、性別與貞操的愛情?一部曼谷青少年的青春紀實,一個跨越古典樂到電音派對的德國 DJ,一個青年導演的滑板少年自拍影像,特映場狂想組合,來一場平行世界的音像漫遊旅程。


特映會放映焦點影人泰國新世代導演南塔瓦.努班查邦難以定類的最新作品:《曼谷青春紀事》(#BKKY),兩位典型的曼谷高中女生,在挑逗、欲望、渴求、清純、幻變的近似情慾、又似友情的關係流動之間,穿插了一百名 17 至 20 歲的曼谷青少年所做的真實訪談。流暢自由的遊走紀實與虛構,是南塔瓦作品風格化的極致。這部關於曼谷青少年的 LGBTQIA 電影,也是集體年輕世代的心靈風暴與政治寓言,在台灣成為亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法化國家,我們的性別與認同,真正自由了嗎?


曼谷青少年的青春紀事,既是曼谷的,也是台北、至世界的。本場特別邀請德國地下音樂鬼才 DJ David Geer,從古典弦樂跨界實驗電音,在節奏的派對劇場中與滑板影像《快板滑行》(Skateboarding)對話。電音偶爾抽離世界、不可預測的節奏變化,在滑板翻轉與加速間,重新解構、重組,再敘青少年次文化的語境與氛圍。那些搖頭擺腦耳機裡的世界、標籤 hashtag 的浮生百態,只有親臨現場,才能一覽無遺。


#自由 #無所謂 #青春紀事 #LGBTQIA

This special screening seeks to place a spotlight on identity issues faced by young people in Bangkok, Thailand, and by extension, young people all over the world.


#BKKY, a 2016 film directed by Nontawat Numbenchapol, delves into the world of Bangkok teens discovering and grappling with their gender identities. Their experiences and feelings can speak to us all: in a time of extreme polarization, marked by a conflict between progressive values and stubbornly social taboos, young people find themselves mired in a confusing landscape when it comes to ethnicity, politics and gender.


Here in Taiwan, the screening of #BKKY offers an opportunity for reflection. Although Taiwan is Asia’s first country to legalize gay marriage, the question of whether “true freedom” exists for the LGBTQIA community remains just that: a question that still needs to be explored with depth and sensitivity.


After the screening, all are encouraged to stay and enjoy the afterparty. DJ David Geer from Germany will provide improvised electronica music to accompany a screening of another short film by Numbenchapol, “Skateboarding.”

​影片 Film  

現場演出 Live Music 

樂人 DJ

即興影像片段 Live Footage

快板滑行 Skateboarding

◎ 南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol | 2006 | 泰國 Thailand




In this early student film, Nontawat Numbenchapol attaches a fish-eye camera to his skateboard and makes the rounds in Bangkok.

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


Organized by


Programmed and Produced by




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