曼谷青春紀事 #BKKY
南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol
1983 年泰國曼谷出生,泰國蘭實大學美術系視覺傳播設計組畢,曾參與阿比查邦的劇組工作,除導演、編劇外,以紀錄片較為人知。2013 年首部紀錄片《邊界》,探討泰柬邊境古寺主權爭奪的敏感議題,獲國際影展肯定。同年紀錄長片《河》,講述泰國西部北壁府漁村,礦產公司進駐後的處境,勾勒自然、工業,人相互依存的矛盾本質,是泰國首部獲盧卡諾影展當代電影單元特別提及獎的電影。最新作品《#BKKY》獲 2016 德國漢堡同志影展評審團最佳電影獎。
Born in 1983 and raised in Bangkok, Nontawat Numbenchapol is a Thai screenwriter and director widely recognized for his documentary work. His first film, “Boundary,” portrayed the lives of residents at the Thai-Cambodia border. His next film “By the River,” a documentary about a lead-poisoning tragedy suffered by Klity villagers, was the first Thai film to receive the Special Mention award from the Locarno International Film Festival.
#BKKY is Numbenchapol’s latest film, and it premiered at the Busan International Film Festival in 2016, and received the Jury Award for best feature-length film at Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage in Hamburg, Germany.
● 作品年表 Performances
2013《河》By the River
即將進入大學的 Jojo,受到外型如男孩的同齡女孩 Q 追求,儘管應許交往,Jojo 對自己的性向與認同還在摸索。女孩之間的愛戀與較勁;少男少女的約會出遊;「畢業前不準和男生出去」的家父長規矩‧‧‧‧‧‧左右著少年男女的自我認同。本片設計虛構情節,透過 Jojo 的故事,交織導演訪問 100 名介於 17 歲到 19 歲的泰國青少年;聆聽他們對愛與未來的想像,青春生澀的戀情,對性的經驗與態度。儘管性別認同相異,他們的困惑、尋找與嘗試,卻折射出曼谷青年的社交生活共相,以及受制於父母與社會的掙扎與困惑。導演南塔瓦努班查邦之前作品《邊界》、《河》曾在當代敘事影展放映,此片為最新作品,採混合劇情與紀錄片的形式,探索時下泰國青年對情慾和性向的自我摸索。
In this dramatized documentary from Thailand, Jojo is a 17-year-old girl who becomes close with another girl her age, Q. Their relationship, which evolves into a romance, becomes complicated as Jojo starts to worry about what her strict father will think. Adding to the confusion, she also finds herself attracted to skater dudes Jeff and Jasper, who she meets while in college. Interspersed throughout the film are snippets of interviews conducted with 100 Bangkok teenagers of diverse gender identities, who share personal experiences about their coming of age.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
◎ 2016 | 泰國 Thailand | 75 min ✭ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere ☆ 特映片 Special Screening
◎ 導演 Director | 南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol
2016 Jury Award for The Best Feature Film, Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg
2016 Busan IFF
2017 CinemaAsia Film Festival
2017 Lovers Film Festival Torino LGBTQI
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/27(五)FrI. 19:30
【特映場 Special Screening】躁動青春:電音、滑板與愛情 Bangkok Youth: Electronica, Skateboarding and Love /客家音樂戲劇中心 2 樓劇場
► 10/29(日)Sun. 15:20
【16:45 咖啡座 Coffee Talk】導演開講——南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室