◎ 時間:10/20(五)19:30(19:00開放入場)
◎ 地點:客家音樂戲劇中心 2 樓劇場
◎ 單場票:300 元 / 身障敬老票:單場 150 元 / 鄰里優待票:單場 150 元
◎ 套票:600 元(開幕場、特映會、閉幕場 全 3 場)
► 放映影片:桐潘
► 音樂現場:蘇拉猜、楊祖珺、林生祥、阿茲米.由諾
◎ Date and Time: 10/20 (Fri), 19:30, Open seating, doors open at 19:00
◎ Location: Hakka Music and Theater Center, 2nd Floor Theater
◎ Tickets: 300 NTD per event (150 NTD for disabled / Special needs audience members and district residents with registered ID)
◎ Package Tickets: 600 NTD for 3 events (Opening Event, Special Screening, Closing Performance)
► Opening Film: Tongpan
► Live Music: Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn, tc yang, Lin Sheng Xiang, Azmyl Yunor
Birds on a Wire: An Evening of Protest Songs from Asia
蘇拉猜 Surachai 'Nga Caravan' Jantimathawn | 泰國 Thailand
泰國左翼樂團教父,蘇拉猜小名「芽」(Nga),人稱 Nga Caravan ,1948 年出生於泰國東北素林府,70 年代學生運動風起雲湧之際,赴東北拍攝以真實事件改編之水庫議題電影《桐潘》,創立了左翼樂隊 Caravan,成為 1973 年民主運動的重要推手。Caravan 以東北民歌 Morlam 傳統結合西方議題民歌的說唱與寫實精神,為底層農民工發聲,造就泰國當代民歌歌系「生活之歌」(Pleng Pheu Cheewit),核心精神即是「為了生活/生命而歌」,成為泰國流行音樂史上重要的流派。如同泰國的 Bob Dylan,蘇拉猜以詩入歌,在文學領域獲得肯定,2011 年獲頒泰國最高榮譽的桂冠詩人獎,至今持續投入環境議題與民主運動。
Born in 1948, Surachai Jantimathawn, better known as “Nga Caravan” or simply “Nga,” is considered the father of folk rock in Thailand. Surachai hails from the Isan region in Northeastern Thailand, and became known for incorporating “Morlam” folk music into his songs, which depict the lives of rural workers and the underprivileged. Nga’s songwriting talent earned him official recognition in Thailand as a “National Artist,” one of the country’s highest arts honors.
歌曲試聽 Listen:
楊祖珺 tc yang | 台灣 Taiwan
1955 年生於臺北,18 歲登台演唱。在 1970 年代戒嚴的台灣,她首先響應李雙澤「唱自己的歌」號召,承繼二戰後西方異議歌曲的精神與內涵,她在歌中批評時政,以音樂與行動訴求理念,喚醒台灣大眾的政治文化意識。1978 年出版《美麗島》專輯,唱遍台灣各地校園、工廠、鄉鎮,成為台灣八零年代民歌浪潮的先鋒。楊祖珺同時活躍於黨外運動與社運場合,持續發表對鄉土台灣、女性、弱勢者的關懷,後遭政府全面封殺與禁唱。她如同壓不扁的玫瑰,持續透過音像、文字與行動投入社會實踐,2004-8 年「聲援楊儒門」運動主要聯絡人,現為中國文化大學大眾傳播學系副教授。
Born in 1955, singer and scholar TC Yang is best known as a folk music pioneer and social activist in Taiwan. In the 1970s, she became famous for her rendition of the iconic song “Meili Dao” (Beautiful Island), and was one of the most prominent singers that arose during the “campus folk music” wave of the time. But after the ruling KMT regime started to impose strict censorship on performers, she shifted to political activism, joining the pro-democracy movement that eventually led to the lifting of martial law in the country in the late 1980s. After running an underground social issues publication during the 1980s, Yang eventually left for the US, where she earned a PhD in cultural studies from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She now teaches as a professor at Chinese Culture University and the Tainan University of the Arts.
歌曲試聽 Listen:
林生祥 Lin Sheng Xiang | 台灣 Taiwan
美濃子弟,以母語客家話創作、吟唱與社會實踐的唱作人。九零年代起返鄉投入美濃反水庫運動,組成「交工樂隊」,以運動歌謠團結美濃青年與農民,成為台灣音樂運動史上介入社會的典範。歷經反水庫與各界樂手合作碰撞的時期,林生祥的創作廣度不斷跨越,音樂的核心永遠是腳下的土地與人。長年關注農工、環境議題,曾與楊祖珺等人唱作「聲援楊儒門」連署運動。台灣傳統音樂為基底,雜交非洲草根藍調、西方龐克搖滾與各種樂類,生長出獨樹一格的台灣本土新民謠。2016 年發行最新概念專輯《圍庄》,以石化工業故事為題材,持續深耕音樂與社會的對話。
Lin Sheng Xiang is one of the most prolific and most celebrated singer-songwriters in modern Taiwanese music. He was a founding member of Labor Exchange, a folk-rock band regarded as the model in Taiwan for connecting roots music with social activism. The band, formed in the late 1990s, released two albums, “Let Us Sing Mountain Songs” (1998) and “The Night March of the Chrysanthemums” (2001), classics in both indie and mainstream circles. After Labor Exchange’s disbanding in the early 2000s, Shengxiang quickly shifted to a solo career, which has proven to be an equal success. All six of his solo-led albums, from Getting Dark (2004) to the current Village Besieged (2016), have won multiple awards and critical acclaim in the Chinese-speaking world. Lin, who sings in his native Hakka tongue, continues to focus his songwriting subjects on the lives of Hakka people and the issues they face in contemporary Taiwanese society.
歌曲試聽 Listen:
阿茲米.由諾 Azmyl Yunor | 馬來西亞 Malaysia
馬來西亞民獨立音樂先驅阿茲米.由諾,為大馬具代表性的唱作人之一。其歌曲創作風格集民謠搖滾、龐克、自由音樂與實驗噪音於一身,跳脫主流音樂框架,混種多變。曾與不同國際知名樂人如美國民謠龐克詩人 Jeffrey Lewis,馬來西亞民謠歌手 Yuna,日本搖滾傳奇 Damo Suzuki 及新加坡創作歌手 M.Nasir 同台演出,並積極催生國內不同樂種與風格樂團。 自1997年起,阿茲米以音樂次文化、道德恐慌與社會政治與文化為靈感,創作並發行音樂作品。這位天生具衝突性、無視既定樂種限制而如脫韁野馬的音樂人,就如美國傳奇作家 Hunter S.Thompson 的至理名言:「當怪異走到極端,則獨樹一幟。」
Azmyl Yunor is a singer-songwriter from Malaysia whose multiple projects range in sound from punk and experimental rock to solo folk rock. He was an early pioneer in Malaysia’s DIY scene, releasing a cassette tape album, “Whatever,” in 1997, and is known for combining angst, wit and humility seamlessly into his socially-aware songs. In addition to performing solo and with bands Ben’s Bitches, the Maharajah Commission and Ciplak, Azmyl is also a writer who lectures on music and performing arts at universities in Malaysia.
歌曲試聽 Listen:

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Opening Event
◎ 1977 | 泰國 Thailand | 60 min ✭台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
◎ 導演 Director | 蘇拉猜Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn、尤塔納.穆達薩尼 Euthana Mookdasanit、拉薩米.保盧恩桐 Rassamee Paolueangtong、帕仲.萊薩谷 Paijong Laisakul
【放映場次 Schedule】
► 10/20(五)Fri. 19:30 【開幕場 Opening Event】
► 10/21(六)Sat. 16:20 【17:50 咖啡座 Coffee Talk】導演開講:蘇拉猜 Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn
桐潘 Tongpan
在音像的啟幕中,我們從七零年代出發,由多位唱作人(singer-songwriters)引領旅程。1970 年代,亞洲諸國在冷戰結構下掀起風暴,這是一個政治冷酷的年代,也是歌謠與革命的年代。
第三屆當代敘事影展,以泰國 1977 年紀實劇情片《桐潘》(Tongpan)啟幕,我們隆重邀請三個世代的異議歌手:蘇拉猜.芽.卡拉凡、楊祖珺、阿茲米.由諾、林生祥,首度齊聚於 2017 台北當代敘事的舞台上,以音像為歌謠史與運動史正名。《桐潘》由參與社會運動的泰國藝術學院學生聯合執導,改編自七零年代泰國東北水庫建造的真實事件。導演與樂人蘇拉猜,是泰國當代民歌歌系「生活之歌」創始人,也是亞洲本土音樂文化革命的重要唱作人,影響了亞洲不同地域的異議歌謠。本場開幕,我們串連起不同世代重量級的亞洲唱作人,向這些激起時代思想浪潮的創作者致意,七零革命精神未死,2017 年的唱作人以更多元的媒介持續創作‧‧‧‧‧‧這些如歌、如詩、如利刃的音像書寫,一代代傳唱, 開散出各地域歌謠、電影與運動史。邀請所有當代敘事影展影迷,一同見證這珍貴的歷史時刻。
Music and its ties to social activism are the main focus of this year’s NNFF, which opens with a performance from four influential singer-songwriters in Asia and a screening of a Thai documentary about an influential social movement in the 1970s. Although they hail from different generations, these singer-songwriters share in common a connection to grassroots activism and concern for social issues.
影片 Film ▌
現場演出 Live Music ▌