主視覺繪圖 Drawing | 岩佐新吾 Singo Iwasa
樂人&藝術家陣容 Musicians & Artists Line Up
9.28 SAT● Aasiva 阿希瓦 | 加拿大因紐特 Canada Inuit ● Seredew 桑梅絹 | 台灣排灣 Taiwan Paiwan ● Ly Vanthan & Ly Sothea 李萬潭與李索緹 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia ● Mai Khoi 杜阮玫瑰 & Ngoc Dai 厄戴 | 越南 Vietnam 9.29 SUN ● Mona Kaveh Ahangari 蒙納 | 伊朗 Iran
● Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin 約羅卡與冠螢 | 西班牙、台灣 Spain, Taiwan ● Michael McCulloch & Friends 馬孟凱與朋友 | 加拿大 Canada ● Mai Khoi 杜阮玫瑰 | 越南 Vietnam
9.28-29 SAT-SUN ● Shingo Iwasa 岩佐新吾 | 日本 Japan ● Lin Ming Yu 林明玉 | 台灣 Taiwan ● Chang Yi Ping 張亦蘋 | 台灣 Taiwan ● Feng Min Lu 馮銘如 | 台灣 Taiwan

演出者 Musician | 越南前衛異議歌者 Mai Khoi 杜阮玫瑰
2019 「流浪之歌音樂節」,第十七回的旅行,以「聲音不見 Hidden Voices」為主題,帶領觀眾走近離我們心理距離最為遙遠,被巨浪吞淹的書寫,被權力遮蔽的意見,以及被主流隱沒的聲音。
The 2019 Migration Music Festival places the spotlight on "hidden voices," presenting musical artists overlooked by the mainstream. Some of these singers-songwriters possess voices that have been drowned out by censorship. Others have voices that have suffered under authoritarian regimes. All have voices yearning to be heard. With this year's programme, we want audiences to hear these voices – to hear vital, exciting music that deserves attention.
Performers include two bold, dissident musicians from Vietnam; a female Iranian percussionist forging new paths in her field; a young indigenous female singer from the Canadian Arctic; a Taiwanese indigenous singer working tirelessly to keep the music of her ancestral tribe alive; a young Cambodian rocker creating new, experimental sounds; a Spanish multi-instrumentalist re-connecting his native country's music to Africa.
For this 17th edition of the festival, we welcome all to join us and listen to these hidden voices as they step out of the shadows, and sing freely.
節目內容 Programme
購票資訊 Ticketing
● 單人/一日日票
Single day ticket
$ 1,200
看 2 場共 4 組演出
2 performances, 4 groups of artists
● 雙人/兩日日票
Twin day ticket
$ 2,000
兩人單日或一人雙日,看 4 場共 8 組演出EITHER 1 twin day ticket for 2 pax OR 2 single day tickets: 4 performances, 8 groups of artists
Ticket outlets : ArtsTicket outlets, 7-11 ibon kiosks, FamiPort, and at door. Enquiry Tel: 02-3393-9888
場地資訊 Venue
臺北市延平南路98號 98 Yanping South Rd, Taipei City
◎公車站牌: 博愛路, 衡陽路, 寶慶路, 捷運西門站
Please take exit 5 at Ximen MRT Station to get to Zhongshan Hall.
Bus: BoaiRoad, HengyangRoad, BaoqingRoad, MRT Ximen Station.