Ly Vanthan 李萬潭 音譯
/柬埔寨 Cambodia
1991 年出生於柬埔寨中部的磅清揚省 (Kompong Chhnang),Ly Vanthan 可說是當今柬埔寨最具潛力與創造力的青年作曲家。能演奏多樣樂器的他,除精通打擊樂、貝斯、吉他、鋼琴、薩克斯風、木琴外,也擅長演奏柬埔寨傳統樂器。他與另兩位音樂家,共同為柬埔寨享譽國際的馬戲劇場 Phare 創作並製作現場音樂,作品包括膾炙人口的劇目 "Putho!"、"Sokha"、"Khmer Metal" 以及 "Same Same But Different" 等。
Vanthan 八歲時接觸到他生命中的第一個打擊樂器,之後便沈迷於打擊樂。他出身貧困,無法負擔鼓組,便以鍋盆、鍋蓋當作樂器即興,漸漸延伸出一個獨一無二的自製樂器王國。11 歲進入柬埔寨馬德望市的 Phare Ponleu Selpak 學校,接受正式的音樂教育與訓練,展露無遺的音樂天份,次年便開始跟著 Phare 的現場樂隊巡演。
正式進入 Phare 馬戲劇場工作前,他曾在法國參與一年的培訓課程。他現在是 Phare 劇場的專屬作曲家/音樂家,也創立了兩個樂團 The Phare Band 及 Behind the Shadow,並肩負樂團作曲家的角色。Vanthan 與 Phare 馬戲劇場的海外邀演不斷,至今已巡迴超過15個國家。而他個人也曾受邀國際音樂節,如 Ethno Sweden 2018、Sziget Festival 2019演出。今年受到「流浪之歌音樂節」的邀請,以獨奏家及作曲家的身份,和音樂夥伴 Ly Sothea 一起來台,首次與台灣觀眾見面。
Born in 1991, Vanthan Ly is a self-taught vocalist, composer, and multi-instrumentalist who works for the performance troupe Phare, The Cambodian Circus. Having grown up in a poor family, Vanthan started to make his own instruments at age 8, fashioning drum kits out of pots and lids and making a DIY guitar out of a blackboard and elastic bands. By age 11, he was recognized as a gifted musician and admitted for formal musical training Phare Ponleu Selpak School in Battambang, Cambodia. Today, Vanthan's sound draws from Western rock influences like Jimi Hendrix, Santana, and Bob Marley. He performs original music regularly as the bandleader in various Phare circus productions. Vanthan has also traveled with Phare to appear at festivals in Sweden and Hungary. For this performance, Vanthan will be accompanied by fellow musician Ly Sothea.