Aasiva 阿希瓦 音譯
/加拿大因紐特 Canada Inuit
YOUTUBE 影片裡,甜美的女孩淡淡撥動烏克麗麗琴,輕盈哼著我們不懂的語言。歌者所在之處,是加拿大最遙遠的北方,遼闊無垠的邊界,僅有三萬居民的努納福特省 (Nunavut)。在這個以英語、法語為優先的國家,少女吟唱的因紐特語 (Inuktitut),世代被英語的巨浪淹蔽,只留無聲寂靜的冰雪。
Aasiva 原名 Colleen Nakashuk,她唱作歌謠,講述北地生活,也為原本寂靜無聲,卻逐漸強壯的努納福特省獨立音樂場景,增添新世代因紐特族人的敘事能量。在此遠離加拿大政治、經濟、語言、文化中心的邊陲地帶,原住民青年以母語唱作,勾勒出不同於主流的地貌、身份及敘事傳統,透過網路傳播被冰雪封閉隔絕的聲音。
Aasiva 創作專輯的歌曲洋溢著青春,以她嫻熟掌握的母語,訴說她所珍視的因紐特青年的成長故事,當然也不會遺漏年輕人的情愛。不同於前人展現的勇者姿態,Aasiva輕盈地,將被遮蔽的因紐特語、聲腔及敘事,帶往加拿大獨立樂界的前景。
Aasiva, the stage name of Colleen Nakashuk, is a young songwriter and performer from Nunavut, located in the Canadian Arctic. She incorporates traditional Inuit throat-singing in her music, which also offers a fresh take on modern indie folk with self-accompaniment on ukulele. A graduate of the Nunavut Sivuniksavut program for Inuit youth, a groundbreaking cultural and educational partnership with Ottawa’s Algonquin College, Nakashuk is eager to pass her knowledge of throat singing to younger-generation Inuit musicians. Inuit throat-singing, or katajjaq, was traditionally practiced by women in duets as a form of entertainment. Aasuva has performed with renowned Nunavut throat-singer Avery Keenainak, among others, and she joins an ever-growing cadre of young artists bringing Inuktitut music into the mainstream.