Michael McCulloch 馬孟凱
/加拿大 Canada
馬孟凱經常在在加拿大各地巡演,這次特別邀請加拿大男高音邁克·卡蒂 (Michael Carty) 和美國小提琴家克里斯蒂娜·考克斯 (Cristina Cox) 來台一同演出。他們將演出馬孟凱近期在台灣的創作,這些歌曲探討了友誼,愛情,正義的失落與掙扎。
Canadian singer-songwriter Michael McCulloch performs songs that explore themes of friendship, love, loss, and the struggle for justice. He has been described as a singer "whose warm baritone voice weaves beautiful stories that will touch your heart and leave you feeling part of something bigger than yourself." Michael's music invites listeners to both laugh and cry, as he offers a glimpse into the lives of a diversity of people, including those fleeing hatred and violence. Michael will present a recent collection of songs written in Taiwan, accompanied by Canadian tenor singer Michael Carty and American violinist Cristina Cox.