Ngoc Dai 厄戴 音譯
/越南 Vietnam
Ngoc Dai 曾參與越戰。越戰結束兩年後,他開始修習古典樂,1984 始,在 Tuoi Tre 劇場擔任駐團作曲家。一年後,辭掉工作並退出越南共產黨。
1990 年代,他為多位越南歌唱名伶創作具實驗風格的流行歌曲,為她們開創出新的演藝事業。2000 年,他創立了 Đại Lâm Linh 三重奏,融合宗教與超現實元素,成為越南實驗音樂的先鋒。他於 2013 年出版的 Thang Mo,則是越戰戰後第一張政治議題專輯,以實驗音樂為底,藉隱喻唱出對執政共產黨的批判。Ngoc Dai 因此受到國家媒體的撻伐,被禁止做公開演出。他的家也被大批警察搜索,沒收專輯及樂譜。Thang Mo 於 2016 年在日本發行,Ngoc Dai 與 Mai Khoi 也在合作一張新的專輯。
2019 流浪之歌音樂節——聲音不見,有幸邀請 Ngoc Dai 與越南重量級異議樂人 Mai Khoi(杜阮玫瑰)來台,並首次合作演出。
Ngoc Dai is one of two dissident musicians currently living in Vietnam. He fought in the American War on the side of North Vietnam. Two years after the war he studied classical music. His artistic path went from composing to making daring, experimental work that would put him on a collision course with the communist party. In the 1990s, he composed music for Vietnamese divas that pushed traditional boundaries. In the mid-2000s, his Đại Lâm Linh trio drew on religious and surrealist influences, and made waves at Total Eclipse Festival in 2005 and French Spring Art Festival 2008. In 2013, Ngoc Dai released "Thang Mo," the first explicitly political album to be released since the end of the war. Fusing experimental music with a metaphorical critique of the ruling communist party, "Thang Mo" was scorned by state media, and Ngoc Dai was banned from performing in public. His house was raided by police, who confiscated copies of the album and his musical scores. "Thang Mo" was released in Japan in 2016. Ngoc Dai is currently collaborating with the artist and activist Mai Khoi on a new album.
In Vietnam, Mai Khoi and Ngoc Dai represent two different generations and styles of singer-songwriters, but they share a similar goal: to stand up against censorship and oppression by their government. Ngoc Dai, born in 1946, fought for North Vietnam in the American War; Mai Khoi, born in 1984, began her career as a conventional pop star. Today Ngoc Dai and Mai Khoi both make provocative music that spans the personal and the political. Their recorded work is officially banned in their home country, and it is extremely difficult for both artists to perform there due to constant scrutiny and harassment by Vietnam's Communist authorities.
The Migration Music Festival is pleased to offer a platform for these two artists to perform together in a rare joint concert.