Mai Khoi 杜阮玫瑰
/越南 Vietnam
Mai Khoi 是當代越南音樂場景中,最為知名的女性唱作人。她在傳統、民謠、爵士、實驗各種樂類間自由游移,音樂性與造型多變,積極參與政治及社會運動,以歌謠走在抗議隊伍的前端,在無法自由透過創作表述的越南,她敢於表達意見,也經常因為反對言論,被限制行動並被監禁。
12 歲加入她父親的婚禮樂隊後,開始寫歌。2010 年她的個人專輯因獲得越南電視大獎,受到全國矚目。因對於歌曲發表前需送審感到不滿,並希望能進入體制來改變越南的藝術審查制度,於是透過自我提名的程序參選國會議員。她的競選行動引發全國輿論,也因著她與歐巴馬的會面,她的政治參與的討論熱度更為升高。
她鼓吹越南藝術家自由表達,獲得哈維爾國際獎的「創意異聲獎」,但她同時得為其基進與異議付出代價。Mai Khoi 的演唱會常遭臨檢、搜索,她也曾因其言論被逐出自宅,被警察拘捕審問。
以音樂結合基進行動,她於 2018 年成立了另類、前衛的三人異議樂組 (Mai Khoi Chém Gió),出版了首張專輯《異議》,開拓了越南獨立音樂的新語彙,融合自由爵士與民族樂,將越南當代音樂帶往新的路徑。她的歌詞,既政治又個人,可以說是越南近代樂史上首見的女性抗議歌謠唱作人。Mai Khoi 目前正與 Kronos Quartet合作新計畫,Netflix 近期也將推出一部關於她的紀錄片。
2019 流浪之歌音樂節——聲音不見,有幸邀請 Mai Khoi 與越南重量級異議樂人 Ngoc Dai(厄戴)來台,並首次合作演出。
Mai Khoi is a Vietnamese artist and activist. She rose to national pop stardom in 2010 after winning the Vietnam Television song and album of the year awards. But she soon became uncomfortable having to submit her work to government censors, and in a bid to reform the system within, attempted to run in the National Assembly elections on a pro-democracy platform. Her campaign sparked a nationwide debate about political participation and culminated in a meeting with US President Barack Obama in May 2016. Mai Khoi then started the avant-garde dissident trio Mai Khoi Chém Gió, whose debut album "Dissent" (2018) contains her most unique and developed work to date. Her new sound is an emotionally-charged fusion of free jazz and ethnic Vietnamese music, with her most political, yet personal, song lyrics ever. Today, she leads efforts to promote freedom of artistic expression in Vietnam, for which she was awarded the Vaclav Havel International Prize for Creative Dissent. Her activism, however, comes at a high price. Her concerts have been raided, and she has been evicted from her house, as well as detained and interrogated by the police. She has released eight albums to date, and has toured the US, Europe and Australia. Her upcoming projects include a collaboration with Kronos Quartet, and she will be featured in a documentary to be released on Netflix.
In Vietnam, Mai Khoi and Ngoc Dai represent two different generations and styles of singer-songwriters, but they share a similar goal: to stand up against censorship and oppression by their government. Ngoc Dai, born in 1946, fought for North Vietnam in the American War; Mai Khoi, born in 1984, began her career as a conventional pop star. Today Ngoc Dai and Mai Khoi both make provocative music that spans the personal and the political. Their recorded work is officially banned in their home country, and it is extremely difficult for both artists to perform there due to constant scrutiny and harassment by Vietnam's Communist authorities.
The Migration Music Festival is pleased to offer a platform for these two artists to perform together in a rare joint concert.