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神戲 The Immortal’s Play

彭家如 Peng Chia-ru

桃園人,東海建築系畢,赴紐約視覺藝術學院修習電影,自此投身於紀錄片和電影創作迄今。80年代末與友人合拍多部社運紀錄片。1995 年《台灣軍人》獲得金穗獎最佳紀錄片,代表作品有《青少年八家將》(1998)、《勇士》(2000)、《另一個家人》(2013)、《踏上帕拉林匹克之路》(2014)、《那個川島芳子》(2014)等。作品題材多與民俗文化與宗教相關。2016 年與賴麗君共同編導《神戲》。

Taoyuan native Peng Chia-ru graduated from Donghai University with a degree in architecture before studying film at the Visual School of Arts in New York. In the late 1980s, he was part of a collective that made documentaries about the pro-democracy movements of the time in Taiwan. Peng’s interest in Taiwan’s cultural practices, religion and social issues have been the subjects many of his films, which include “The Road to the Paraolympics” (2014). “The Immortal’s Play” is his latest work.

● 作品年表 Performances





2014《踏上帕拉林匹克之路》Road to Paralympic


2016《神戲》The Immortal’s Play

賴麗君 Lai Li-chun

嘉義民雄人,中國文化大學大傳系畢,從小就是歌仔戲戲迷。關注社會邊緣、女性議題。2002 年製作《山腳下的四庄番》,入選南方影展觀摩。2012 年在大愛電視台拍攝新住民紀錄片《在台灣站起》時發現來自越南的阮安妮,即決定以獨立製片方式,和同是歌仔戲迷的彭家如合作拍攝《神戲》,歷時三年紀錄安妮的歌仔戲生涯,以影像關注外籍配偶和女性角色的生存實況與歸屬焦慮。希望在老去前完成《嘉義三部曲》製作。

“Gezaixi” opera has been a lifelong interest of Lai Li-chun, a filmmaker and Chiayi County native who graduated from Chinese Culture University’s mass communications department. She first met Annie Yuan, the subject of “The Immortal’s Play,” in 2012 when Annie was the subject of a Da-Ai Television program on Taiwan’s “new immigrants.” She and co-director Peng Chia-ru spent three years documenting Annie’s life for “The Immortal’s Play.”  

● 作品年表 Performances





2014《踏上帕拉林匹克之路》Road to Paralympic

2016《神戲》The Immortal’s Play


Annie Yuan says destiny led her to become a performer of “Gezaixi,” or traditional Taiwanese opera. Her extraordinary life as a Vietnamese immigrant to Taiwan is the subject of this documentary. As a child, Annie dreamed of becoming a star in traditional Vietnamese theater. Happenstance led her to joining the national circus instead. While on tour in Taiwan, she met Fang Yuan, the head of a Taiwanese gezaixi troupe, which proved to be a life-changing moment of fate. Two years later, she went from speaking not one word of either Taiwanese or Mandarin to playing the lead role in a touring Taiwanese opera troupe. She meets and marries a Taiwanese man, with whom she has a daughter. “The Immortal’s Play” is a novelistic look at a novelistic life: a life as one of Taiwan’s “new immigrants;” a life as a mother with a daughter who suffers from a serious illness; a life as a performer, one full of drama, joy and heartbreak.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2016 | 台灣 Taiwan | 113 min 

◎ 導演 Director | 彭家如 Peng Chia-Ru、賴麗君 Lai Li-Chun

2016 Golden Harvest Awards 金穗獎

2016 Women Make Waves Film Festival 台灣國際女性影展特獎

放映場次 Schedule

10/23(一)Mon. 19:00【導演映後座談 Director Q&A】 彭家如 Peng Chia-Ru、賴麗君 Lai Li-Chun /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


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