山凹肚那家人 The Family in the Valley
謝欣志 Hsieh Shin-chih
Hsieh Hsin-Chih has worked in film production for nearly 20 years, having shot documentaries on a wide range of topics, from architecture and urban design to environmental issues and agriculture. In his work, he likes to explore human interest topics and sees documentary as the ideal medium through which one can understand the world.
● 作品年表 Performances
2006《久違了,王大閎》Long Time No See, Mr Dahong Wang
2008《福爾摩沙的指環》Natural Formosa
2009《三個女人的故事-四川地震週年紀事》After an Earthquake
2010《奔流》Drifting With the Tide
2011《誰殺了小林村?》Who Killed the Village of Hsiaolin?
2012《結果了-果農系列紀錄片》The Farmer
一排排的草莓小山凹,是來自印尼的客家媳婦阿蘭的生活寫照與勞動歷程。和大多數印尼女孩一樣,阿蘭從小立志嫁到台灣,懷抱憧憬離家,卻發現等著她的是種滿草莓小山凹的傳統客家農村。農忙季節時,吃苦耐勞的阿蘭是丈夫的得力助手,在開朗和樂天知命背後,思鄉的眼淚,只有在唱著卡拉 OK 曲時偷偷流下。導演謝欣志以鏡頭貼近阿蘭一家人,紀錄跨國婚姻中,客家農庄新住民家庭的樸實樣貌。
Indonesian Wei Yi-lan’s story of coming to Taiwan as a “new immigrant” is not uncommon. When the opportunity arose to marry a Taiwanese man, she took it in hopes of a better life. But the life that awaited “A-lan” was not quite what she had expected: living in a traditional Hakka mountain village to grow strawberries. Yet A-lan took her fate in stride, embracing the hard work of the farm and her new family. She and her husband now have three sons, and A-lan relishes in the joys of village life.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Director
◎ 2014 | 台灣 Taiwan | 51 min
◎ 導演 Director | 謝欣志 Hsieh Shin-chih
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/23(一)Mon. 12:10 /客家文化戲劇中心 1 樓藝文沙龍