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一棚冇唱完的大戲 Sing for Me, Siou Man Huang

徐彥萍 Juliana Hsu

淡大大眾傳播學系,北京電影學院電影劇作理論及創作專業碩士。台灣新生代紀錄片導演,兼任編劇、製片、攝影、剪輯等。2006 年前往西藏拍攝醫療紀錄片《生病天堂-天堂裡遇到的五個人》,入圍 2007 年台北電影最佳紀錄片,另有作品如新疆少數民族電影《紅草灘》編劇、醫療專題片《慈濟與您健康有約》、《大愛全紀錄——斯里蘭卡海嘯過後》紀錄片及大愛劇場幕後紀實系列《戲說人生》。

Juliana Hsu graduated from Tamkang University’s Mass Communication Department and studied at the Beijing Film Academy. Her film “Sickness in Heaven - Meeting 5 Person in Tibet” was nominated for best documentary in 2007 at the Taipei Film Festival. In addition to being a director, Juliana also works in film production as a screenwriter, photographer and editor.

● 作品年表 Performances

2006《生病天堂-天堂裡遇到的五個人》Sickness in Heaven

2008《一棚冇唱完的大戲》Sing for Me, Siou Man Huang


At the age of 70, Huang Siou-man is one of the few remaining persons devoted to the art of Hakka opera today. As a young child, she traveled all over Taiwan with her mother, A Yu-dan, a renowned and beloved Hakka opera performer. In this film, Huang reflects back upon a long career on stage, singing about the joys and sorrows of Hakka life. But in the end, her real life proves to be more captivating. She said “From my youth until now, I had never thought about falling in love, nor had I ever fallen in love…”

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

免費入場 Free Entry
免費入場 Free Entry

◎ 2008 | 台灣 Taiwan | 48 min

◎ 導演 Director | 徐彥萍 Juliana Hsu

2009 Women Make Waves Film Festival 台灣國際女性影展

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/27(五)FrI. 12:10 /客家文化戲劇中心 1 樓藝文沙龍

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