穀子.穀子 Rice, Rice
馮志仁 Fong Ze-sen
高雄市美濃國小教師,專長短片創作,擔任小朋友影像培訓指導。代表作《穀子.穀子》是 2005 年於美濃龍肚國小任教期間,以影像記錄五、六年級學生的種稻過程並製成的短片。影像作品《揚葉仔飛歸來》入選客家台「1394 打戲路」紀錄片徵選。2009 年,由《穀子.穀子》延伸的短片《鴨子.鴨子》,記錄小學生參與鴨稻共生的農業耕作,將生命教育融入其中。
Fong Ze-sen is a teacher at Meinong Elementary School. He trained in filmmaking through workshop programs offered by the Hakka Affairs Council and Taiwan’s Public Television, and made a follow-up to “Rice, Rice” in 2009, entitled “The Ducks.”
● 作品年表 Performances
2005《穀子.穀子》Rice, Rice
2009《鴨子.鴨子》The Ducks
「今年的寒假作業很特別喔,老師給我們一包穀子和一包泥土,我們要帶回去育苗,等到開學後就要插秧了⋯⋯。」從插秧、除蟲、灌溉,到收割稻米,來自龍肚國小學生,在培育與等待過程中,心中漸漸長出對稻米與大地的尊敬。這部影片是龍肚國小小朋友們共同創作的成果,紀錄了他們的「農耕作業」過程,也掀起政府與民間重視學童的食農教育。12 年之後,龍肚國小依然持續堆動「從種子到餐桌」、友善土地的教育理念,本片獲得第二屆台灣國際兒童電視影展兒童人氣獎。
A group of Longdu Elementary School students learn how to plant and cultivate rice in this documentary produced by teacher Feng Chu-ren. Feng documents the entire process undertaken by the students, from cultivating seeds and planting them to irrigation and harvesting. The students also have a big hand in shaping the film’s narrative, offering a refreshing change from the adult-dominated perspective of the mainstream media world.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Director
◎ 2005 | 台灣 Taiwan | 20 min
◎ 導演 Director | 馮志仁 Fong Ze-sen
2006 Taiwan International Children’s TV and Film Festival
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/24(二)Tue. 12:10 /客家文化戲劇中心 1 樓藝文沙龍