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大市場小故事 The Red Lantern of Sargede

伊斯瓦尤迪.德由尤沃諾 Iswahyudi Tejoyuwono

出生於爪哇島中部克拉登(Klaten),1994 年開始影像工作生涯,第一部短片《Bias Relief》(2000)描述兩名記者在以充滿神廟聞名的莫佐克托Penanggungan火山走失的故事。2006 年《Rambut Gimbal》紀錄印尼傳統剪髪綹儀式;《Ruwat》(2011)則紀錄爪哇傳統祭儀如何對當地小孩造成影響。最新作品《大市場小故事》。現為蘇拉加達穆罕馬迪亞大學(Muhammadiyah University)客席講師,教授影像與電視編導相關課程。

Hailing from Central Java, Iswahyudi Tejoyuwono started working in the film industry in 1994. His documentary films include “Bias Relief,” (2000)  a story of two journalists lost in the Penanggungan Mountains, and “Ruwat,” (2011), which depicts a traditional Javanese ritual for children. He currently teaches at Muhammadiyah University in Surakarta.

● 作品年表 Performances

2000 Bias Relief

2006 Rambut Gimbal

2011 Ruwat

2017《大市場小故事》The Red Lantern of Sargede

在雅加達求學的華人女孩媚兒(Mel),為了完成研究而回到家鄉梭羅的大市場,與市場裡的水果販賈爾(Jar)發展出密切的友誼,卻遭到媚兒父親的強烈反對。賈爾因此發現了兩大家族過去不為人知的秘密⋯⋯。梭羅大市場建於1930年,是區域內地標性的建築物。由當時的統治者巴庫布沃諾十世(Sutan Pakubuwono X)委託荷蘭建築師設計建成,這個傳統市場上高高掛著的紅燈籠,象徵著華人飄洋落腳後的足跡,也承載 18 世紀上萬華人被屠殺的歷史記憶。導演以半紀錄半劇情的敘事手法,呈現華人移民在印尼爪哇島的遷徙流離,以及與當地文化的衝突與融合。

"The Red Lantern of Sargede" offers a look at the complexities of ethnic relations in multicultural Indonesia. “Sargede” is the nickname of the iconic Pasar Gede, (lit. "big market,”), a market housed in 2-storey building in Jakarta that reflects both Javanese and Dutch heritage, and serves as an iconic symbol of Indonesia’s diversity.

It is at this market that Mel, a Chinese zoology student living in Jakarta, befriends Jar, a Javanese fruit seller.  Mel's father disapproves of their friendship; Jar seeks to understand why.

影片介紹 Synopsis 


◎ 2017 | 印尼 Indonesia | 60 min ★全球首映 World Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 伊斯瓦尤迪.德由尤沃諾 Iswahyudi Tejoyuwono

放映場次 Schedule

10/26(四)Thur. 16:20 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


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