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我校,我家,我村 My School, My Family, My Village

布隆國小小學生 Students of Pou Loung Primary School

影片由長年居住金邊的義大利獨立攝影師大衛.格羅塔(Davide Grotta)指導,當地小學生共同完成。布隆小學位於柬埔寨蒙多基里省,一個以原住民佈儂族為主要人口的村落,義大利公益組織 We World Onlus 在此設立了教育據點,讓當地小學生可免於長途跋涉得以享有教育資源。在資源匱乏的柬埔寨,此紀錄作品更顯珍貴。

This film was made by students from Pou Loung Primary School in Mondulkiri, Cambodia, the home of the Bounong indigenous minority. The school was built by Italian NGO WeWorld Cambodia after learning that children from the Bounong community had to travel two hours just to attend school. Italian filmmaker Davide Grotta helped the students produce this short film.

● 作品年表 Performances

2016《我校、我家、我村》My School, My Family, My Village

這是一部以孩童的視角出發的紀錄片。在柬埔寨蒙多基里省(Mondulkiri)布隆(Pou Loung)的村落小學,一如往常的上學日,學生們卻收到了一台攝影機,究竟他們要拍什麼?在老師的鼓勵之下,小朋友們以鏡頭探索村落,紀錄族群和傳統文化,將大自然森林與小動物收入畫面。他們訪問村落族人、耆老、村長、家人,到瀑布旅遊區拍照的攝影師······以鏡頭初探,孩子好奇心下捕捉的純真影像毫無修飾地呈現。

In Mondulkiri, Cambodia, the students of the Pou Loung Primary School arrive at class to find video cameras on their desks. What to do with them? The young girls and boys are encouraged to wonder about their village, their identity, their traditions, the forest and its animals. Equipped with cameras and looking for answers, they interview members of the Bounong community. How do they see their future?

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

免費入場 Free Entry
免費入場 Free Entry

◎ 2016 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia、意大利 Italy | 30 min ★台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 布隆國小學生 Students of Pou Loung Primary School

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/26(四)Thur. 12:10 /客家文化戲劇中心 1 樓藝文沙龍

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


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