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貧困之翼 Nanay Mameng

阿嘉妮.阿盧帕克  Adjani Arumpac


Adjani Arumpac is a filmmaker and writer currently teaching film and multimedia courses in the University of the Philippines and Mapua University. Her first documentary film, “Walai” (2006), was the first in an ongoing autobiographical trilogy about the internal diaspora in the Philippines, followed by “War is a Tender Thing” (2013). Her works have been shown in various film festivals including the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Beijing Independent Film Festival, Doclisboa 12th Festival Internacional de Cinema, and London 1st Essay Film Festival. Adjani is also interested in bridging the medium of documentary film genre with modern art practices, which has resulted in documentary films that have been translated and integrated into installation works exhibited in Manila, Lucban, Guangdong, Berlin, Hong Kong and Paris.

● 作品年表 Filmography


2004 Aapuyan

2006 Walai

2012 Mga Anak ng Pier

2012 Fighter

2013 Bible badjao

2013 Abel

2013《戰爭是件溫柔事》War is a Tender Thing

2013《貧困之翼》Nanay Mameng

Nanay Mameng,是菲律賓一位底層階級八旬老婦稱號,也是菲律賓最知名的女性社會運動倡議者,她是卡門德妮達(Carmen Deunida)。她一生窮困,為人洗衣,枯瘦的手臂與單薄身軀顯示了生活的艱辛。在社運場合裡,她是最具生命精力的衝鋒者;舞台上,嘴巴即是她的武器,直白真誠的吶喊,凝聚了人群的內心。本片深度刻劃德妮達的生命故事,採取重演形式,呈現童年美日戰事紛擾的年代,1946 年獨立後依舊貧窮的生活,畫面聚焦德妮達透亮有神的雙眼,傾聽她鋒利話語「歷經 13 任總統,生活卻沒有改善!」的直言無諱,一如她直視生命裡殘缺的婚姻,不畏懼真實。

“Mother Mameng” tells the story of beloved Philippine Carmen Deunida, an 84-year-old known as “Mother Mother,” who serves as a living inspiration for the urban poor’s struggle for basic human rights. She has dedicated her life to uplifting the dignity of her countrymen in the face of bleak conditions that include forced evictions and economic dislocation. The documentary spans her life experiences under the regimes of 13 Philippine presidents, none of whom have created substantially improved change for the Filipino people.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2013 | 菲律賓 Philippines | 40 min ★台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 阿嘉妮.阿盧帕克  Adjani Arumpac

2014 Best Documentary Film, Gawad Urian


放映場次 Schedule

► 10/22(日)Sun. 20:20 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/25(三)Wed. 16:20 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

影片預告 Trailer 

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


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