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壓迫者 Mwathirika

紙月亮偶戲劇團 Papermoon Puppet Theatre

2006 年成立於印尼古老的藝術城市日惹,由插畫家、作家及前劇場表演者瑪利亞.蘇利亞尼(Maria Tri Sulistyani)及視覺藝術家伊萬.依芬迪(Iwan Effendi)共同創立。紙月亮是首度融合印尼傳統皮影戲(wayang kulit)與現代木偶戲的當代劇場,跳脫傳統形式,魁儡師與人偶在舞台上一同現身,以投影、動畫、聲音等多重媒材的敘事手法,不畏表達高度敏感的政治議題,歷史文獻梳理與田野調查,讓歷史得以鮮活表述。除了表演藝術,紙月亮也創作視覺裝置藝術、工作坊,2008 年創辦印尼 Pesta Boneka 偶戲藝術節,受邀至世界各地演出。

Papermoon Puppet Theatre was founded in 2006 in Yogyakarta by puppeteers and artists Maria Tri Sulistyani and Iwan Effendi. They link together two traditional Indonesian puppetry traditions, Wayung Kulit (Shadow Puppetry) and Teater Boneka (children’s theater), along with mixed media, to create puppetry performances that appeal to both children and adults. The highly-praised troupe draws from personal stories of the performers and their families in the critically acclaimed “Mwathirkia,” which deals with tragic events from Indonesia’s modern history.

● 作品年表 Performances


2009 Suitcase of Life

2009 Pohon Kecil

2009 Two Shoes for Dancing

2010 Mwathirika

2010 IMAGO

2011 Setjangkir Kopi dari Plaja

2011 The Eye of the Messenger

2012 Living Room, Living Space

2013 Laki-Laki Laut

2014 Watugunung

2014 The Boy Inside the Shell

2015 Hide and Seek

2016 Watugunung

2016 The Old Man’s Books

2017 The Translucence

1965 年,印尼獨裁者蘇哈托(Haji Mohammad Suharto)政權下的反共肅清行動,超過五十萬人被屠殺。近半個世紀的時間沖刷歷史記憶,部分人民選擇相信事件已經結束,任何行動皆於事無補,或人們過度解讀,或選擇相信從未發生過‧‧‧‧‧‧大屠殺留下的歷史傷痕是否能癒合?來自印尼日惹的紙月亮偶戲劇團,不畏殘酷的歷史題材,團員親訪受害者家屬或倖存者,以童話敘事手法重現這段黑暗的歷史。原本表演對象為小朋友的可愛偶戲,在大人們卸下心房後,故事開始述說黑暗。失去親人的無助、人人自保的冷漠,沉重的歷史幽靈,在偶的形象中栩栩如生地復活,更如一部寫實的紀錄電影。

“Mwathirika” is an intensely moving, internationally acclaimed puppetry performance based on tragic events in modern Indonesian history. In 1965, the “Year of Living Dangerously,” 500,000 people died in an anti-communist purge after a failed coup attempt. The harrowing effects of these events on ordinary Indonesians and their families is told non-verbally through puppets and multimedia created by the Papermoon Puppet Theatre. Papermoon’s highly innovative approach to the art of puppetry and theatrical storytelling, along with the group’s ability to handle political topics with extreme sensitivity, has earned it wide critical praise. “Mwathrika” has toured all over the world, including the US, with past performances held at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC and the Asia Society in New York.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌劇團介紹 Performer

◎ 2010 | 印尼 Indonesia | 88 min

◎ 導演 Director | 紙月亮偶戲劇團 Papermoon Puppet Theatre

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/28(六)Sat. 19:30 【閉幕場 Closing Performance】壓迫者——偶戲的實驗美學與音像敘事 Mwathirika/The Oppressor: An Experimental Work of Theater and Audio-Visual Narrative /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室外廊道 Outside of the Screening Room, 3rd Floor of the Hakka Cultural Center

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


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