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田.滿 More Rice Fields, More Happiness

蔡辰緯 Tsai Che-wei、黃書凡 Huang Shu-fan、曾詰淩 Tseng Jie-ling 、林宥蓉 Lin You-rong、黃峻傑 Huang Jiun-jie、李易倫老師 Terry Li

來自北城國小六年九班,基於對宜蘭的情感,以及日益嚴重的農田農舍議題,而開始著手規劃拍攝《田.滿》,以孩子的角度出發,訴說宜蘭在地人的觀點。用影像紀錄為守護宜蘭而盡一份心力 。短片主題定調為「田.滿」,意指人們手牽著手在這片土地上生活、耕作、自給自足。綠油油的稻海,各式各樣的鳥類、昆蟲以及人選擇棲息在這裡,田/填填滿未來,讓幸福圓滿。

Tsai Chen-wei,  Huang Shu-fan, Tseng Jie-ling, Lin You-rong, Huang Jiun-jie and Terry Li were Grade 6 students at Beicheng Elementary School in Yilan when they made this film, and are now in middle school. They conceived of this film out of concern over the decline of farming in their hometown.

● 作品年表 Performances

2015《田.滿》More Rice Fields, More Happiness

2016 《田.滿2:重生》


Yilan County, home to a collection of rural towns located on Taiwan’s scenic Pacific northeast coast, has grown as a tourist destination. Yet local farming is on the decline, and most of the young population have left home to pursue more lucrative jobs in bigger cities. An elementary school teacher at Luodong Township’s Beicheng Elementary School asked five of her students to ponder the changes they’ve seen in their hometown. The students assume the role of documentary film directors, interviewing local residents about their views.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

免費入場 Free Entry
免費入場 Free Entry

◎ 2015 | 台灣 Taiwan | 30 min

◎ 導演 Director | 蔡辰緯 Tsai Che-wei、黃書凡 Huang Shu-fan、曾詰淩 Tseng Jie-ling 、林宥蓉 Lin You-rong、黃峻傑 Huang Jiun-jie、李易倫老師 Terry Li

2015 神腦原鄉踏查記錄片競賽小學組金牌

2016 Yilan Green International Film Festival 宜蘭國際綠色影展

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/25(三)Wed. 12:10 /客家文化戲劇中心 1 樓藝文沙龍

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