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跨性夏威夷 Kumu Hina

狄恩.漢默  Dean Hamer

1951 年出生,美國導演和製片,紐約時報年度好書作者。與喬威爾森合夥成立 Qwaves,拍攝爭議性且受忽視的社會紀錄片,作品受日舞影展、美國公共電視台之獨立製片(ITVS)等支持,亦受各大國際影展肯定。Qwaves 積極通過社群、教育組織與公共電視等單位推廣議題,影像作品作為教材在超過700個社區放映。他也是暢銷非虛構小說的作者,包活《The Science of Desire》、《The God Gene》等;2011 年移居夏威夷拍攝《跨性夏威夷》。

Dean Hamer is an Emmy Award winning filmmaker and New York Times Book of the Year author with a long history in communicating complex and controversial ideas to diverse publics. He formed Qwaves with partner Joe Wilson to produce insightful and provocative documentaries about often overlooked social issues. Their films have been supported by Sundance, ITVS and Pacific Islanders in Communications, won awards at over 100 film festivals across the world, and used as outreach and educational tools by a wide range of community and educational organizations.

● 作品年表 Performances

2006 We Belong

2008 Thorn in Your Side

2009 Out in the Silence

2010 Frances and Frankie

2011 Twins

2014《跨性夏威夷》Kumu Hina

2014 A Place in the Middle

2017 Lady Eva

喬.威爾森 Joe Wilson

美國導演和製片。關心社會運動和人權議題,但對傳統組織與宣傳方式的限制感到失望,因而拿起攝影機,用影像與故事碰觸更多觀眾,促使群眾加入社會行動。2004 年,喬威爾森回到賓夕凡尼亞州的石油城小鎮,拍製 Qwaves 的首部紀錄片《Out in the Silence》(2009),於林肯中心人權觀察電影節放映,大獲好評,獲艾美獎肯定。影片後來在美國公共電視網(PBS)和全國各地 1000 多個地方放映,成為全國運動的一部分,其推動方式也成為後續作品效仿模式。

Joe Wilson got involved in documentary filmmaking through his professional work and social activism on human rights issues. Frustrated by the limitations of traditional organizing and advocacy, he picked up a camera with hopes of reaching broader audiences with stories that would inform and compel people to act. “Otros Amores,” his debut film, won the Videomaker National Documentary Film Challenge, and his PBS documentary “Out in the Silence,” about his hometown of Oil City, Pennsylvania, won an Emmy.

● 作品年表 Performances

2009 Out in the Silence

2014《跨性夏威夷》Kumu Hina

2014 A Place in the Middle

2017 Lady Eva

Mahu,夏威夷方言,意味著「中間」,指的是在男人與女人之間,還有一個可以兼具兩邊特質,亦男亦女的空間。在夏威夷的傳統文化裡,兩性各司其職,唯有Mahu同時擁有兩邊優勢。然而歐洲百年殖民後,傳統性別文化裡的中介空間也消失了。本片教導夏威夷文化的老師希娜(Hina),一個靦腆、受人欺負的高中男孩,在傳統中找到出口,蛻變為傳授 Aloha 精神的 Mahu。轉變非一蹴可及,Mahu 重現生機的夢想也非一帆風順,希娜既要激勵少女琥歐納尼(Ho'onani)發揮內在力量,領導學校男呼拉團體,還要面對自己的愛情渴望。本片側寫兩位女性的思索,佐以剪影風格動畫,講述原住民的歷史與文明精神,提供觀眾看待夏威夷文化的新視角。

Imagine a world where a little boy can grow up to be the woman of his dreams, and a young girl can rise to become a leader among men. Welcome to Kumu Hina's Hawai'i. During a momentous year in her life in modern Honolulu, Hina Wong-Kalu, a Native Hawaiian māhū, or transgender, teacher uses traditional culture to inspire a student to claim her place as leader of the school's all-male hula troupe. But despite her success as a teacher, Hina longs for love and a committed relationship. Will her marriage to a headstrong Tongan man fulfill her dreams? As Hina's arduous journey unfolds, her Hawaiian roots and values give her the strength and wisdom to persevere, offering a new perspective on the true meaning of aloha.

影片介紹 Synopsis 


◎ 2014 | 美國 USA、斐濟 Fiji | 77 min

◎ 導演 Director | 狄恩.漢默  Dean Hamer、喬.威爾森 Joe Wilson

2014 Jury Prize of Achievement in Documentary,

Frameline San Francisco International LGBTQ Film Festival


2014 Special Jury Awards, Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival


2015 Berlinale


放映場次 Schedule

► 10/27(五)FrI. 14:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/29(日)Sun. 12:30 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


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Programmed and Produced by




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