流放歲月 Exile
潘禮徳 Rithy Panh
柬埔寨紀錄片導演、編劇,1964 年出生於金邊,1975 年赤柬當權期間,與家人被迫下鄉加入集體勞動,後輾轉逃往法國,在法國高級電影研究學院完成學位。代表作《S-21:紅色高棉殺人機器》(2003)重現內戰金邊集中營 S-21,獲法國最高榮譽新聞獎 Albert Londres Prize。其他作品亦重現赤柬時期與家族記憶:2013 年《消失的映像》、2016 年《流放歲月》等。2006 年後以「波法娜」之名成立柬埔寨影像紀錄收藏中心,收集、修復戰後影像紀錄,栽培後起人才,彌補戰爭期間所造成的人文藝術與知識斷代。
Born in Phnom Penh, 1964, Rithy Panh is one of Cambodia's most acclaimed documentary filmmakers. After his family was killed by the Khmer Rouge government, he fled in 1979 and eventually arrived in Paris, France, as an orphan refugee. He went on to study at the French cinema school La Fémis. His films include "S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine (2003)" about the infamous torture prison of the Khmer Rouge, and "The Missing Picture" (2013), which became the first Cambodian film nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
● 作品年表 Filmography
1996 《波法娜:柬埔寨悲歌》Bophana: A Cambodian Tragedy
2000 The Land of the Wandering Souls
2003 《S21:赤柬殺人機器》S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine
2004 The People of Angkor
2005 The Burnt Theatre
2007 Paper Cannot Wrap Ember
2011 Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell
2013 《遺失的映像》The Missing Picture
2016 《流放歲月》Exile

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「流放」是一種離棄,然而流放者,卻能在極度痛苦中找尋自我,找回曾經遺失的言語、遺失的畫面與回憶,對未來的夢想和期許‧‧‧‧‧‧。柬埔寨導演潘禮德 2016 年的作品,處理個人於赤柬時期恐怖統治下的生命經驗。劇場式的裝置與表演交織赤柬時期的政治宣傳片段,以抽象的影像敘事進行歷史記憶的回顧,並對「革命」提出質疑。本片反映當時柬埔寨共產黨如何藉由集權統治逐漸壯大,將人民轉變為毫無自由意志的機器,以達成波布當時的偉大宏遠——回到「元年」(Year Zero),重新開始。「流放」如詩,如歌,簡白如童話故事,將今日與昨日逝去的聲音、噪音及記憶,融合成為「人的處境」所發出的吶喊,永遠警惕著人們。
In this 2016 essay film, Rithy Panh reflects on his childhood in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime in the late 1970s. The following description is provided courtesy of the distributor.
Exile is an abandonment, a terrifying solitude. In exile, one's self is lost, one suffers, one fades away. But it is also possible to find one's own, in the land of words, of images, in reverie that is more than childish. It all starts with exile, and nothing is anything without it. “Exile” is a meditation on absence; on inner solitude, geography, politics. “Exile” is also an attempt at elucidation on the part of a boy who lived in Democratic Kampuchea and the man he becomes who cannot accept injustice: What kind of revolution might we wish for? A revolution for and with humanity? A revolution that lives up to humanity, with respect and understanding? Or an attempt at destruction, the false purity of which has seen so many disciples, be it in Asia or the West?
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Director
◎ 2016 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 77 min ★台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
◎ 導演 Director | 潘禮徳 Rithy Panh
2016 Best Documentary, Jerusalem FIlm Festival
2016 Golden Eye Nomination, Festival de Cannes
2017 Nominated for an award at the Human Rights in Cinema Competition, Istanbul International Film Festival
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/29(日)Sun. 20:45 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室