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My Status and Culture: From Norway’s Sami to Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples

▌放映影片 Film

風的力量 Biekka Fábmu

► Stein Bjørn | 2012 | 挪威 Norway | 52 min

◎ 日期:10/14 (六)14:30

◎ 地點:公共冊所 / 台北市台北市大安區泰順街24號

◎ 入場方式:入場免費

◎ 導賞人:馬躍比吼

◎ Date: 10/14 (Sat), 14:30

◎ Address:  The Libratory, No. 24, Taishun Street, Taipei City

◎ Entry: Free

◎ Moderator: Mayaw Biho

挪威海岸風暴音樂節(Riddu Riđđu Festival),源自海岸薩米人對政府長期以來壓制、同化薩米族的反動與省思:「為什麼政府要奪走我們的語言?為什麼我們要隱藏自己身份和文化,以薩米族為恥?」於是,三位年輕人創辦了這個音樂節,成為挪威原住民族薩米人(Sámi)的年度盛事,讓他們重新建立身份認同,凝聚與發聲的起點。




“Biekka Fábmu” is a documentary about participants of Riddu Riddu, an indigenous arts and music festival in Norway. Filmed in 2011, the subjects reflect on their Sami indigenous heritage and their troubled history with the Norwegian government. After the screening, Taiwanese filmmaker and indigenous rights activist Mayo Biho will hold a discussion on the current state of affairs for indigenous people in Taiwan.

馬躍.比吼 | 花蓮玉里織羅部落阿美族,紀錄片導演,曾任原住民族電視台台長、台南民族事務委員會主委。努力讓更多族人一起「做自己的主人」。


Mayaw Biho | Mayaw Biho is a documentary filmmaker of Amis descent from Hualien, and a former head of Taiwan Indigenous Television.

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