校園放映2 - 清大場
Campus Theater 2: National Tsing Hua University
Sumé——革命之聲 Sumé: The Sound of a Revolution
► Inuk Silis Høegh | 2014 | 格陵蘭、丹麥、挪威 | 74 min
◎ 日期:10/16(一)15:40
◎ 地點:國立清華大學教育館310 教室
◎ 入場方式:開放清大學生參與
◎ 導賞人:陳柏偉
◎ Date: 10/16 (Mon.) 15:30
◎ Location: Education Building Classroom 310, National Tsing Hua University
◎ Entry: Open to NTHU students
◎ Film: Sumé: The Sound of a Revolution (Inuk Silis Høegh | Greenland, Denmark, Norway | 74 min)
◎ Moderator: Chen Bo-wei
70 年代傳奇搖滾樂團 Sumé 推出史上首張以格陵蘭語創作的專輯,震驚當代社會並促使格陵蘭邁向政治獨立之路。崛起於 1973 年的哥本哈根,Sumé 樂團以音樂躁動了在丹麥統治下,被噤聲的格陵蘭人。在那個語言及身份都被壓抑的年代,以歌詞作為武器,搖滾精神為盾牌,挑戰殖民政體,掀起一場由音樂與歌謠帶領下的政治革命,喚醒格陵蘭人的獨立意識。Sumé 樂團以後,一代又一代的格陵蘭年輕搖滾樂人接續 Sumé 的音樂革命精神。他們以母語創作,以格陵蘭文化為根基,透過音樂積極投入社會,持續影響整個世代的年輕人。
After more than 200 years of Danish rule, the arctic territory of Greenland experienced a cultural and political awakening in the early 1970s, prompted in part by a rock n' roll band. Sumé, the first rock group to sing in Greenlandic, was formed by two young men who left home to study in Copenhagen. Charismatic lead singer Malik Høegh's poetic musings in his native tongue were considered provocative for their anti-colonial messages, and Sumé's music became the soundtrack for early protest movements against the Danish government. The band's cult status helped influence later generations of younger rock musicians, who followed suit by also singing in Greenlandic. Sumé co-founder and guitarist Per Berthelsen eventually went on to serve in parliament as Greenland gained autonomy from Denmark.
陳柏偉 |「黑手那卡西工人樂隊」主唱與團長,積極於社會運動抗爭、土地及居住正義。現為清華大學講師,開設「音樂創作與台灣社會運動」課程。
Chen Bo-wei | Chen Bo-wei is the founder of Black Hand Nakashi, a music troupe that sings about labor rights issues. He is also a university instructor and active campaigner for various social justice issues.
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