校園放映1 - 政大場
Campus Theater 1: National Chengchi University
▌放映影片 Film
邊界 Boundary
► 南塔瓦.努班查邦 Nontawat Numbenchapol | 2013 | 泰國 Thailand、柬埔寨 Cambodia、法國 France | 96 min
◎ 日期:10/12(四)19:30
◎ 地點:國立政治大學藝文中心視聽館
◎ 入場方式:免費入場 - 政大活動報名系統事先報名
◎ 導賞人:鍾適芳
◎ Date: 10/12 (Thurs.) 19:30
◎ Location: Arts and Culture Center, National Chengchi University
◎ Entry: Free, but advance registration required. Visit NNFF or NCCU’s Arts and Culture Center Website for details
◎ Moderator: Chung Shefong
泰柬邊境被列為世界文化遺產的柏威夏古寺(Preah Vihear),如其地理位置,一直處於兩國主權爭議的最高點。當國內紅衫軍與黃衫軍的衝突周而復始,愛國主義喧囂下,邊界緊張關係一觸即發,原本相安無事的邊界平民無端捲入紛擾中。來自曼谷的青年導演南塔瓦,將鏡頭抽離自己熟悉的都市中心,跟隨邊境少年敖來到泰國邊界,以紀錄片探索國界、國族認同與階級問題,更以鳥瞰角度梳理泰國長久以來的政治宗教衝突與歷史脈絡。
This film looks at the violent border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia over the Preah Vihear Hindu temple, which is more than 1,000 years old and has been named a UNCESCO World Heritage site. By focusing on the ordinary lives of both Cambodian and Thai locals in the area, such as the 24-year-old laborer and former soldier "Aod," the director seeks to understand the dispute over the temple. Because it focuses on Aod and includes footage from the "Red Shirt" political protests in 2010, "Boundary" was banned by the Thai government.
鍾適芳 | 資深音樂專輯與音樂節製作人、藝術總監。「當代敘事影展」策展人,透過議題聚焦、影像與現場音樂對話,開創影展實驗性質的展演形式。
Chung Shefong | A filmmaker, music producer and founder of record label Trees Music and Art. In her role as curator for the New Narratives Film Festival, she aims to experiment with and develop the standard festival format through the incorporation of topical themes, live music and multimedia events.