Island Songs: Revisiting Okinawa
▌放映影片 Film
驟雨 Katabui: In the Heart of Okinawa
► 丹尼爾.羅貝 Daniel López | 2015 | 日本 Japan、瑞士 Switzerland | 80 min
◎ 日期:10/18 (三)20:00
◎ 地點:月見ル君想フ獨立藝文空間 / 台北市大安區潮州街102號
◎ 入場方式:需低消 150 元,含沖繩泡盛特調一杯
◎ 導賞人:寺尾ブッタ
◎ Date: 10/18 (Wed) 20:00
◎ Location: Moon Romantic, No. 102, Chaozhou St, Taipei City
◎ Entry: 150 NTD, includes an Okinawan cocktail (Awamori)
◎ Moderator: Terao Budha
沖繩,西太平洋列島,與世無爭的和平島群,因政治因素承載著龐大美軍亞洲基地,幾個世代以來,他們被迫與戰爭武器共存。一如沖繩方言 Katabui——形容在極小的局部地域,從極度晴朗瞬間刮起狂風暴雨的突發性天氣現象。沖繩人承受生命的變幻無常,時而和平,時而狂暴,漫長的歲月裡,他們保持堅韌的生命力,以及對和平鍥而不捨的追求。導演丹尼爾.羅貝透過影像側寫沖繩當地小人物,紀錄從生到死的歲時祭儀、美軍基地抗爭、民謠即興現場,政治、歷史記憶與文化交織呈現,當代沖繩樣貌與歷史流轉一覽無遺。
Despite the conflicts posed by the U.S. military presence in Okinawa, the inhabitants of the island fight and strive for the survival of their indigenous identity. In this personal documentary film, Swiss director and Okinawa resident Daniel López delivers an analysis of a difficult political situation and offers a multifaceted look at the island’s fascinating culture.
寺尾ブッタ | 旅居台北的東京人,「月見ル君想フ」老闆,熱心引介台灣、日本獨立音樂人交流,策劃多場小型音樂演出與電影放映活動。
Terao Budha | A Japanese expat from Tokyo and the owner of Moon Romantic, keen on promoting exchanges between independent artists in Japan and Taiwan.
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