Family, Ethnicity and History in Philippine Independent Films
▌放映影片 Film
戰爭是件溫柔事 War is a Tender Thing
► 阿嘉妮.阿盧帕克 Adjani Arumpac | 2013 | 菲律賓 Philippines | 70 min
◎ 日期:10/08 (日)14:30
◎ 地點:燦爛時光:東南亞主題書店 / 新北市中和區興南路一段135巷1號
◎ 入場方式:入場費 100 元,也可以「換工(協助宣傳報導)」或「換物(捐贈東南亞相關書籍)」等方式替代
◎ 導賞人:藍雨楨、賴奕諭
◎ Date: 10/08 (Sun) 14:30
◎ Location: Brilliant Time/Southeast Asia Bookstore, No. 1, Ln 135, Xingnan Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City
◎ Entry: 100 NTD
◎ Moderators: Lan Yuzhen and Lai Yi-yu
民答那峨島(Mindanao),菲律賓南方的第二大島嶼,被稱為菲律賓的應許之地,也是本片導演阿嘉妮的家鄉。這裡原本世居原住民與穆斯林,1930 年代起政府的一項大型移民墾殖計劃,迎來大量基督徒移墾者,自此宗教與政治勢力燃起的戰火未曾停歇,血腥的衝突延續至今。導演的父系家族是當地穆斯林,母系家族則是基督徒,兩個家族同為生存奮戰,也將腳下的土地視為永遠的家鄉。「戰爭的本質是什麼?」阿嘉妮在大歷史敘事的洪流中,書寫個人家族記憶、認同與情感,描繪戰火下人的生存處境。現今,杜特蒂政權下的民答那峨島宣佈戒嚴,從阿嘉妮的實驗性敘事風格的家庭影像,我們試著從影像展開對話,打開從台灣理解菲律賓的路徑。
Director Adjani Arumpac tells the troubled history of her home of Mindanao, the second-largest and southernmost island of the Philippines, by looking at the lives of two of her ancestors: "Modesto, a Christian, and Macaurog, a Muslim, were both good husbands and fathers and grandfathers. For their family, they were gentle providers and fierce protectors. But their very survival makes up for the endless war in that land they both call home. My forefathers were pawns in a vicious sport by the colonial and, now, neocolonial powers. Modesto had the courage to move and settle. Macaurog had the strength to stay. Theirs is a fight for respite. But this narrative has been buried under decades of mainstream media misrepresentation as a war drenched only and only in violence and blood, wherein the men and women are rendered only as statistics — faceless and nameless."
藍雨楨 | 藝術行政工作者,目前就讀清大人類所,曾擔任多項跨國策展之藝術行政與文字企劃。第二屆當代敘事影展策展助理。
Lan Yuzhen | A former arts administrator and assistant curator of last year’s NNFF, Lan Yuzhen is currently a graduate student in anthropology at National Tsing Hua University.
賴奕諭 | 臺大人類學研究所碩士,長期關注菲律賓左派政治、社會文化、原住民與南島語族等相關議題,現致力於文化推廣、國際交流與人類學知識科普。
Lai Yi-yu | Lai Yi-yu is a writer and commentator who holds a masters in anthropology from National Taiwan University, where she focused on indigenous activism and left-wing politics in the Philippines.
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