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◎ 2013 | 泰國 Thailand | 21 min ★ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 帕努.薩顏丘多 Panu Saeng-xuto

2013 IDFA 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展

2014 &PROUD Yangon LGBT+ Film Festival 仰光同志影展

2015 Tampere Film Festival 芬蘭坦佩雷國際電影節

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/27(五)FrI. 15:40 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/29(日)Sun. 14:10 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

一念之間 Consider

帕努.薩顏丘多 Panu Saeng-xuto

1987 年出生於曼谷,泰國導演。在先皇理工學院(KMITL)取得學士與視覺藝術創作碩士學位後,目前在朱拉隆功大學藝術與應用藝術學院修習博士學位,同時亦在國王理工大學(KMUTT)講授媒體藝術相關課程。有豐富的拍攝紀錄片經驗,作品多為短片,主題緊繫泰國性別議題,有講述酷兒群體的《Pre-Attitude》(2009)、《3_Gen》(2010),在泰國短片與錄像藝術節(TSFVF)上獲得自由平等短片白鴿獎,《一念之間》則將目光落至泰國跨性別者在社會上的處境。

Born in 1987, Panu Saeng-xuto graduated with a BA in film and video from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology in Ladkrabang, Thailand, and currently teaches media arts there. He is currently working on a doctorate at Chulalongkorn University.

● 作品年表 Performances

2008 Wander Cinema

2008 Open-air Movie to Love

2010 Pre-Attitude

2010 3_GEN

2012 Dream Thailand

2012 Taxi 24hrs

2013 《一念之間》Consider

2013 Take Care

2014 Esan

薄暮時分,一個女孩走入鏡頭,俯瞰晚霞籠罩城市,鏡頭背後導演問女孩,「如果重新選擇,你會做什麼改變?」女孩用微弱的聲音說:「我想我再也不會選擇自殺這一條路。」Kathoey 一詞在泰文指把自己打扮為女生的男生,即一般認知的 Ladyboy,也是本片主角泰(Tay)的性向。當外界對泰國的想像是性別自由相對包容時,泰卻因為個人性向的選擇,在校園裡遭人公然羞辱、傷害,導致他企圖自殺。影片專訪一位跨性別老師,聽其親身經歷,從社會目光到職涯發展侷限,釐清跨性別者在泰國的實質處境;也採訪泰的同學和母親。鏡頭避開暴力言語,期許以寬厚精神體貼每顆心靈,如泰所言,我們在花火中為世界賦予不一樣的顏色。

The teenaged Tay is a ladyboy, or "kathoey," as members of this relatively well-tolerated transgender group are called in Thailand. These are people who take on a traditional female role, and some describe them as a third sex. The documentary starts with Tay looking out over the twilit city. Offscreen, the filmmaker asks him a question: “Do you think you made a mistake now that you are in the media?” Tay answers, “I kind of do.” The voice then asks,  “If you could go back in time, what would you have changed or fixed?” Tay replies, “I would not try to kill myself again.” Interviews with sympathetic fellow students and a teacher who is also a kathoey demonstrate the level of acceptance for his sexual orientation at his Christian school Saint Joseph Mueang-Ake. This becomes most triumphantly clear when Tay appears at a school Christmas party in a beautiful red dress. But as his tearful mother explains, one single intolerant and violent teacher drove him to attempt suicide. Elsewhere in the film, we see Tay going about his daily life, traveling to and from school, and silently touching up his makeup in front of the mirror.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

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