◎ 時間:10/28(六)19:30(19:00開放入場)
◎ 地點:客家音樂戲劇中心 2 樓劇場
◎ 單場票:300 元 / 身障敬老票:單場 150 元 / 鄰里優待票:單場 150 元
◎ 套票:600 元(開幕場、特映會、閉幕場 全 3 場)
► 現場演出:壓迫者
► 演出劇團:紙月亮偶戲劇場、飛人集社劇團
► 影像素材:東所
◎ Date and Time: 10/28 (Sat), 19:30, Open seating, doors open at 19:00
◎ Location: Hakka Music and Theater Center, 2nd Floor Theater
◎ Tickets: 300 NTD per event (150 NTD for disabled / Special needs audience members and district residents with registered ID)
◎ Package Tickets: 600 NTD for 3 events (Opening Event, Special Screening, Closing Performance)
► Theater Performance: Mwathirika / The Oppressor
► Performers: Papermoon Puppet Theatre and The Flying Group Theater
► Film Footage: The Treasonists
Mwathirika / The Oppressor: An Experimental Work of Theater and Audio-Visual Narrative
紙月亮偶戲劇團 Papermoon Puppet Theatre | 印尼 Indonesia
2006 年成立於印尼古老的藝術城市日惹,由插畫家、作家及前劇場表演者瑪利亞.蘇利亞尼(Maria Tri Sulistyani) 及視覺藝術家伊萬.依芬迪( Iwan Effendi) 共同創立。紙月亮是首度融合印尼傳統皮影戲(wayang kulit)與現代木偶戲的當代劇場,跳脫傳統形式,魁儡師與人偶在舞台上一同現身,以投影、動畫、聲音等多重媒材的敘事手法,不畏表達高度敏感的政治議題,歷史文獻梳理與田野調查,讓歷史得以鮮活表述。除了表演藝術,紙月亮也創作視覺裝置藝術、工作坊,2008 年創辦印尼 Pesta Boneka 偶戲藝術節,日惹高度代表性的實驗劇場指標,受邀至世界各地演出。
「偶戲是個完美的媒材,可以傳遞嚴肅的訊息,或是帶來意料之外的效果,有時可愛,有時歡樂,有時恐怖,但更多時候是好玩。對我們來說,藝術就是人與人之間的事。」——導演 Maria Tri Sulistyani
Papermoon Puppet Theatre was founded in 2006 in Yogyakarta by puppeteers and artists Maria Tri Sulistyani and Iwan Effendi. They link together two traditional Indonesian puppetry traditions, Wayung Kulit (Shadow Puppetry) and Teater Boneka (children’s theater), along with mixed media, to create puppetry performances that appeal to both children and adults. This widely-praised troupe draws from personal stories of the performers and their families in the acclaimed “Mwathirkia,” which deals with tragic events from Indonesia’s modern history.
飛人集社劇團 Flying Group Theater | 台灣 Taiwan
2004 年成立,「飛人」取其諧音「非人」=「偶」,意指在劇場行走各處、自由飛行的藝術創作者集合之所。團長石佩玉,草創初期以「偶」作為主要創作形式,作品多次獲台新藝術獎提名,受邀國內外各大藝術節演出。2010 年轉型,製作規格定位為「以多元複合的精神製作、創作小規模、挑戰傳統觀賞距離的表演藝術作品」。作品形式除了現代偶戲,更邀請各領域創作者發表新作,結合靜態展等裝置藝術。2010 起主辦首屆「超親密小戲節」,成為策展角色。2011 年與旅法劇場工作者周蓉詩「東西社」聯合創作,於台灣、法國兩地巡演,2010 年荷蘭國際偶劇節邀演《客廳物語》。
Formed in 2004, Flying Group Theater is a Taiwanese puppet theater troupe that mixes traditional Taiwanese and Chinese puppetry practices with multimedia. Their performances seek to create intimate spaces that challenge the traditionally accepted distance between performer and spectator. One of their major works, a trilogy titled “A Sleep and a Forgetting,” was a 2011-2014 collaboration with French troup L’est et L’Ouest, with a narrative that depicts the full cycle of phases in a child’s life.

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Closing Performance
創作概念從古老的光、影、樂、偶傳統藝術,過渡到當代劇場的實驗敘事,從虛構的敘事,迴照真實歷史。二戰後,冷戰結構下的亞洲燃起紅色風暴,1965 年,印尼的獨立之路才剛起步,蘇哈托政權展開一段血腥的反共肅清行動,超過五十萬人被指認為共產黨囚禁、屠殺。1949 年,流亡台灣的國民黨政府宣布戒嚴令,長達 42 年的白色恐怖時期,讓無數台灣民眾、知識份子與政治異議者被迫噤聲、流亡以及永恆沈默——如今,轉型正義仍在路上,獨裁者的幽靈仍在徘徊,斷裂的歷史與文化的傷痕仍在,生活在當代的藝術家,如何面對共同的壓迫者歷史,邀請觀影者集體理解、對話與詮釋?
“Mwathirika” is an intensely moving, internationally acclaimed puppetry performance based on tragic events in modern Indonesian history. In 1965, the “Year of Living Dangerously,” 500,000 people died in an anti-communist purge after a failed coup attempt. The harrowing effects of these events on ordinary Indonesians and their families is told non-verbally through puppets and multimedia created by the Papermoon Puppet Theatre. Papermoon’s highly innovative approach to the art of puppetry and theatrical storytelling, along with the group’s ability to handle political topics with extreme sensitivity, has earned it wide critical praise. “Mwathrika” has toured all over the world, including the US, with past performances held at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC and the Asia Society in New York.
For this closing event, under the conceptual title of “Mwathirika/The Oppressor,” we present a special, one-time only, collaborative performance between Papermoon Puppet Theatre and Taiwan’s own Flying Group Theatre. Their performance will incorporates elements of “Mwathirika” and film footage from the Taiwanese film “The Treasonists.”
劇場演出 Live Performance ▌
劇團 Performers
影片素材 Film Footage
東所 The Treasonists
◎ 林家民 Lin Jiaming | 2015 | 台灣 Taiwan
1950 年,台灣島上肅清異己的白色恐怖蔓延,許多政治犯關押在稱為「東所」(台北市青島東路 3 號)的軍法處監獄等待審判。一群渴望改變社會的政治犯在牢獄中相濡以沫,也在審訊中人人自危‧‧‧‧‧‧。《東所》來自世新大學廣電系林家民畢業製作,是少數新世代影像工作者重啟訪談,直面台灣受難者歷史題材的嘗試,本片獲得許多受難者家屬、社會運動人士給予協助與肯定。閉幕場以此作品加入戲劇對話,重訪台灣白色恐怖時期,無所不在的精神壓迫與恐懼。
Director Lin Jia-ming (b. 1984) made his film “The Treasonists” as a graduation project at his alma mater Shi Hsin University. For the film, he drew from the experiences of his father and grandfather, who both suffered political persecution during the White Terror era. He is currently studying directing at the Beijing Film Academy.