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春社謠 Ballad of Chun She

鬼叔中 Gui Shuzhong

本名甯元乖,1967 年出生於福建寧化。詩人,獨立導演,中國網路雜誌《電影作者》編委。2008 年開始獨立紀錄片製作,自此每年拍攝一部風土影像紀實,作品被栗憲庭電影基金、中國獨立影像檔案館、香港中文大學、國立臺南藝術大學、中國民族博物館、廣西民族博物館等機構收藏。曾獲第四屆後天雙年度文化藝術獎「後天電影獎」,以及中國第一個民間自籌自辦的電影節——足榮村方言電影節首屆「愛故鄉特殊貢獻獎」等。

Gui Shuzhong (b. 1967), who hails from Ninghua, Fujian Province, China, is a poet and director who has been producing independent documentaries since 2008. Many of films are part of permanent collections at various film archives and universities in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

● 作品年表 Performances

2009《玉扣紙》The Yukou Paper

2010《老族譜》Old Genealogy

2011《礱谷紀》Hulling Rice


2013《花鼓紀》The Flower-Drum Song

2014《五公經》Wugong Sutra

2015《春社謠》Ballad of Chun She

2016《七聖廟》Seven Sages Temple

「社公」,即台灣的「土地公」,掌管一地區福祉的神明,保佑農田澇時放晴,旱時降雨,實村民所願。每年春天二月,村民會拜祭社公,祈禱稻穀豐收,闔家平安喜樂,是為「春社」。導演鬼叔中用鏡頭紀錄 2015 年春,寧化縣濟村鄉武層村的春社紀實:八九十歲的老者們天未亮,殺豬備祭品,在微微細雨中,敲打著手中的土鼓踏過田埂,祭拜水口、隘口、溪流兩邊每個社公廟;三四歲的幼童在台下懵懂地看著十番八樂伴著傀儡戲敬神;後生繪聲繪影敘述「九尾狐狸精」的故事傳說⋯⋯如同無數個偏鄉農村,青壯年到外地工作,田地荒蕪,了無生氣,老者們依舊虔誠祭社,祈禱社公保佑全村,風調雨順、禾穀豐熟⋯⋯。

This film documents a traditional prayer ritual in Ninghua, a Hakka village in China. The Hakka people in this western rural region of Fujian Province worship “Fuzhi”, (in Taiwan, “Tudigong” or lit. “Land God”), holding prayer rites for a bountiful harvest in the spring while offering thanks in the autumn. In the film, viewers see how the effects of modernity on rural villages. As most young people have left to work in the cities, much of the land has been left overgrown and uncultivated. But the harvest prayer rites are still performed by elderly Hakka in the village every year, in keeping with tradition, and done for the sake of peace in the village.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2015 | 中國 China | 25 min ★台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 鬼叔中 Gui Shuzhong

2016 Guangxi Ethnographic Film Festival


2016 Zurong Dialect Film Festival


放映場次 Schedule

10/23(一)Mon. 14:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/24(二)Tue. 19:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

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