不即不離 Absent Without Leave
廖克發 Lau Kek Huat
馬來西亞華裔,出生於馬來西亞實兆遠(Sitiawan),後來台學習電影製作,2011 年畢業於國立台灣藝術大學電影系。首部作品以墮胎女子為題材的實驗短片《鼠》(2008),獲金穗獎最佳導演。作品關注議題幅員遼闊,短片有凸顯其馬來西亞背景的《愛在森林邊境》(2009);關注台灣移工與移民的《雨落誰家》(2012)、《一起去看海》(2013)及《妮雅的門》(2015);《花開的夜晚》(2012)。首部紀錄長片《不即不離》從家族歷史取材,並以此為靈感發展首部劇情長片《波羅蜜的愛》。
Lau Kek-huat was born in 1979 in Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia. After graduating from Singapore University and then teaching primary school there for four years, he studied film at the National Taiwan University of Arts. His film accolades include Best Director Award in 2009 at the Taiwan Golden Harvest Festival, and the Best Short Film Award at the Busan International Film Festival for “Nia’s Door” (2015).
● 作品年表 Filmography
2009《愛在森林邊境》Cul de Sac Forest
2012《花開的夜晚》Whisper of Flowers
2012《雨落誰家》When It Rains
2013《一起去看海》A Scene of the Sea
2016《妮雅的門》Nia’s Door
2016《不即不離》Absent Without Leave

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In trying to reconnect with unknown members of his family, filmmaker Lau Kek-Huat sheds light on the complicated history of his native Malaysia. Lau learns that his grandfather was not only an absent father to his own absent father, but also a guerilla Communist soldier and martyr of Malaya during World War II. In the film, Lau explores his grandfather’s reasons for joining the communists, which led the resistance against the Japanese occupation during World War II. To fill in the gaps of this story, Lau visits Hong Kong, Thailand, and Guangzhou to interview former resistance fighters from his grandfather’s generation. The film is currently banned in Malaysia, underscoring the sensitivity of this chapter in the country’s history.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Director
◎ 2016 | 馬來西亞 Malaysia、台灣 Taiwan | 90 min
◎ 導演 Director | 廖克發 Lau Kek Huat
2016 Busan IFF Wide Angle Program
2016 Taipei Film Festival
2016 Kaohsiung Film Festival
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/28(六)Sat. 14:20 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室