| 為未來的歷史建檔 FUTURE HISTORY |
羅恩卓 Loeurn Chhouk & 檳博爾 Pring Proel | 2019 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 彩色 Colour | 15 min
★ 2019 柬埔寨波法娜影音檔案中心「發聲計畫」
Bophana Center: VOICE Project
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.07 WED. 13:00 ▎
▎10.08 THU. 19:00 ▎+// 映後QA // 黃書慧
Phuon Keo was joined by her two grandsons in the province of Banteay Meanchey because their mother’s husband, who lives in Koh Kong, is an alcoholic and mistreats them. She wants to reunite the family so the grandchildren can go to school, but her entourage advises her to stop thinking about her daughter and focus on caring for her two grandchildren.
導演 Director | 羅恩卓 Loeurn Chhouk
“One of the difficulties my village has to face is the distance of schools and hospitals. Moreover, others underestimate the women in my village.” He sees racism as the cause of the women's depressions. Chhouk, who loves the cinema, joined the film training because he believes that cinema can contribute to the country's development.
導演 Director | 檳博爾 Pring Proel
“In the community where I live, the challenges faced by women include limited knowledge, migration, rejection by the parents, and a lack of attention in the community.” Pring wants to share his knowledge with women and children in his community, and use the newly gained film production skills to empower women and children in his community. Pring Proel has completed a bachelor's degree in law at the University of Management and Economics in 2018.