▃ 購票資訊 TICKET
展演場 | 開幕場&閉幕場
Tickets for Opening Event & Closing Event
▪ 單場票:$300
▪ 早鳥套票:$900(含2場展演場、全20場放映場,限時限量購買)*已售罄
▪ 優待票:單場 $150(身障敬老)
▪ 團體票:單一場次購買10張以上,另有折扣優惠,敬請來電洽詢 (02) 2341-3628。
▪ Single Ticket: $300 per event
▪ Package Tickets: $600 for opening event, closing event and all the general screenings.
▪ Disabled / Senior Citizen / Neighborhood Resident: $150 per event (with registered ID)
▪ Group Tickets: Discounts are offered for each single purchase of more than 10 tickets per event, please call (02) 2341-3628 for enquiry.
展演場購票任意門 >
Opening & Closing Event tickets quick link >> 10/02 開幕場 OPENING EVENT >> 10/11 閉幕場 CLOSING EVENT
Film Screenings
▪ 單場票:$100
▪ 套票:$600,含所有放映場場次(全20場)
▪ 優待票:單場 $50(身障敬老)
▪ Single Ticket: $100 per screening
▪ Package Tickets: $600 for all the general screenings.
▪ Disabled / Senior Citizen / Neighborhood Resident: $150 per event (with registered ID)
1. 購票地點
(1) 所有票券除套票外,可在兩廳院售票端點、網站、7-11、全家、萊爾富購買。套票僅限兩廳院售票端點、兩廳院網站購買。團體票請洽 (02) 2341-3628。
(2) 放映場票券除上述購票地點外,不提供現場售票;展演場票券可於現場前台購買。
2. 購票方式
(1) 兩廳院網站(限信用卡)
(2) 兩廳院售票點(現金、信用卡)
(3) 超商(限現金):7-11、全家、萊爾富
3. 兩廳院購票、取票方式
(1) 請先加入會員。
(2) 取票方式:售票點取票(不含手續費)、國內郵寄(另收50元郵資)、超商取票(每張票券另收8元取票手續費)。
(3) 訂購完成即可取票,敬請提早領取。
4. 退票方式
退票方式:退、換票事宜請於演出10天前至兩廳院端點辦理,並須酌收票價 10% 手續費,逾期恕不受理。
5. 注意事項
(1) 所有場次皆自由入座,座位有限,劃完為止。所有場次於開演20分鐘後,不開放入場。
(2) 購買套票者請於任一場次之影展前台,以票券換取「影展全程觀影證」。
(3) 身障敬老票:年滿 65 歲以上長者、身心障礙人士與一名必要陪同者,入場需出示相關證件。
(4) 鄰里優待票:僅限中正區河堤里、林興里、大同區永樂里、萬華區西門里、福音里里民,入場請出示身份證件住址。
(5) 因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 (COVID-19,或稱武漢肺炎),所有活動將採實名制,敬請攜帶身分證以供登錄,並全程配戴口罩,請儘早抵達並配合現場防疫措施入場。
(6) 所有場地皆不開放飲食,敬請留意。
(7) 主辦單位保有更動節目之權利,最新消息請見官網與粉絲專頁公佈。 售票系統之服務專線:(02) 33939888。電子郵件:customerservice@mail.npac-ntch.org
1. Purchasing Tickets
(1) All tickets (except package tickets & group tickets) may be purchased at NTCH Ticketing outlets, 7-11 ibon kiosks, FamiPort, Hi-Life convenience stores, or online through the NTCH website. Package tickets can only be purchased through NTCH Ticketing outlets or online through the NTCH Website.
(2) Tickets for general screenings are not available for on-site sales except the above-mentioned locations. Tickets for the opening event and closing event may be purchased at the festival site.
2. Paying for Tickets
(1) NTCH Ticketing Website: Credit Card only
(2) NTCH Ticketing Booths: Cash and Credit Card
(3) 7-11 iBon kiosks, Famiport and other convenience stores: Cash only
3. Purchasing tickets online
For information about purchasing tickets online, visit the NTCH Website at artsticket.com.tw
4. Refunds and Exchanges
To obtain a refund or exchange a ticket, please go to the ticketing agent booths at the National Concert Hall and Theater at least 10 days before the scheduled event. A 10% processing fee will be deducted. No refunds and exchanges are allowed once the event has taken place.
5. Please Note
(1) All seating is first come, first served for all screenings and events. Entry to screenings will not be permitted 20 minutes after the film has elapsed.
(2) To package ticket holders: At your first screening, please exchange your paper tickets for an all-access festival pass.
(3) For senior citizens and the disabled who purchased discounted tickets, relevant ID must be presented at the door.
(5) Neighborhood Resident Discount is available for Heti Village, Lin Xing Village, Yong Le Village, Ximen Village, Fuyin Village residents. Relevant ID must be presented at the door.
(6) All attendees must follow COVID-19 guidelines issued by the organizer.
(7) Food and drink are not allowed in all of the venues.
(8) The festival organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program at anytime. Any changes or updates will be posted on the Festival’s official website.