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NNFF continues its tradition of connecting the world of film to the community through live performances. This year's events feature Indonesian dance and music from American and Taiwanese musicians, all relating to the themes of this year's festival program.

// 單場票:$300 // 身障敬老票:單場 $150 //
// Tickets:
$300 per event ($150 for disabled / special needs audience members with registered ID)



無畏,詩人之歌 A Poet, Unconcealed Poetry

嘎林·努戈羅和 Garin Nugroho | 2000 | 印尼 Indonesia | 84 min

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► 10.02 FRI. 開幕場 OPENING EVENT 


Poetry, Body, Memory --

Film and Dance Performance


◎ 時間 | 19:30(19:00 開放入場,採自由入座)

◎ 地點 | 大稻埕戲苑9F劇場

◎ 放映影片 | 無畏,詩人之歌

◎ 舞蹈現場 | 安納斯塔西亞·梅拉蒂 /印尼

Date and Time | 10/02 (Fri), 19:30 (Open seating, doors open at 19:00) 

Venue | Dadaocheng 9F Theater

Film Screening | A Poet, Unconcealed Poetry

Dance Performance | Anastasia Melati /Indonesia

本屆影展開幕製作,延續「影展不只是影展」初衷,在影像及現場表演間探覓對話的可能。我們以印尼電影大師嘎林‧努戈羅和 (Garin Nugroho) 的《無畏,詩人之歌》揭幕,以其獨樹一幟的「詩劇」風格引路,展開影像詩意與政治性的探問。在黑白光影間,提煉出詩人易卜拉欣.卡迪爾 (Ibrahim Kadir) 處於蘇哈托政權下大屠殺的記憶章節,那些關於時代的、家庭的、殺戮的、溫存的,相互衝擊的身體抽慉、捲曲及舞動,邀請印尼藝術家安納斯塔西亞‧梅拉蒂 (Anastasia Melati) 全新舞作,回應詩人的記憶。

Dancer and scholar Anastasia Melati performs a solo piece choreographed to music by Rahayu Supanggah and excerpts of Garin Nugroho's film "A Poet, Unconcealed Poetry" (2000). Nugroho's film, which will play in the background throughout Melati's performance, is an innovative documentary work that re-tells the story of political prisoners during Indonesia's infamous and deadly communist purge of 1965 and 1966. In the film, poet Ibrahim Kadir, who was among hundreds of thousands arrested by the government, plays himself, recounting his imprisonment during this dark and traumatic chapter in the country's history. This is the debut performance of this work for Melati, who is steeped in the tradition of Javanese court dance and conducts research on the role of traditional dance in the lives of Indonesian migrants in Taiwan.


演出者 Artist | 安納斯塔西亞·梅拉蒂 Anastasia Melati


Anastasia Melati is an accomplished dancer, choreographer and scholar from Java, Indonesia, who is based in Taipei. She formally trained in traditional Javanese court dance in Yogyakarta, and her skills and expertise in this field have been put to use as a teaching fellow at National Taiwan University's Graduate Institute of Musicology. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Graduate Institute of Dance at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Her research focuses on performance and performativity of Indonesian migrant workers in metropolitan Taipei.

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詩人的抗爭現場 The Fall of the I-Hotel

Curtis Choy | 1983,1993,2005 | 美國 US | 彩色 Colour | 59 min

攝影  Photo courtesy of Jim Dong / 照片提供 Provided by Curtis Choy


► 10.11 SUN. 閉幕場 CLOSING EVENT 


Shore to Shore:

Immigrant Narratives in Music, Poetry, and Film


◎ 時間 | 14:30(14:00 開放入場,採自由入座)

◎ 地點 | 西門紅樓2F劇場

◎ 音樂現場 | 藍。掉 /台灣、美國

Date and Time | 10/02 (Fri), 14:30 (Open seating, doors open at 14:00) 

Venue | Ximen Red House 2F Theater

Live Music | Fade to Blue /Taiwan, US

閉幕的音樂現場,是《詩人的抗爭現場》戰線的延長。一如導演Curtis Choy以攝影機追隨菲律賓裔美國詩人Al Robles,記寫了舊金山馬尼拉城 (Manilatown) 那些被未來歷史抹除、強行拖離的身影與聲影。演出邀請美國藍調樂人David Chen與琵琶音樂家鍾玉鳳組成的「藍。掉」樂組,以混種的樂類、血緣遙遠的器樂,交互講敘漂浪者的境遇。

With this closing event, we celebrate music and poetry as a part of a language of resistance -- and as tools of memory for the immigrant experience. We have invited Fade to Blue, the musical duo of singer-songwriter and guitarist David Chen and pipa player and composer Chung Yufeng, to perform live. Both will draw from their own personal experiences as past of immigrant families, and their live performance will be supplemented by footage of two documentaries by American filmmaker Curtis Choy: "The Fall of the I-Hotel," a film about San Francisco's historic Manilatown and its residents, and "Manilatown is in the Heart," a film about the Filipino-American poet Al Robles.


演出者 Artist | 藍。掉 Fade to Blue

生長於美國俄亥俄州,父母在1960年代末從台灣移居美國,David Chen著迷於美國草根音樂傳統,特別是藍調及其背後的族群敘事。他自美國亞裔文學及史料中汲取創作養分與素材,曾創作歌曲〈移民之歌--卡洛斯·卜婁杉敘事詩〉向菲裔詩人及小說家卜婁杉 (Carlos Bulosan) 致敬,以及新作〈朝天子之孤兒兵〉描繪一位被美國傳教士收養的香港孤兒,成人後加入「聯邦軍」打內戰的史實。 鍾玉鳳的父親祖居廣東五華,隨國民黨軍隊來台。父親遺物中一張家鄉村戶的手繪地圖,喚起她探覓父親故里的念頭。生長在台灣的她,沒有歸鄉的認同,在客鄉的田野旅路上,遇見無法靠岸的生命故事,僅以琵琶記寫那壓抑在抽屜底層無處宣讀的思念。

David Chen is an American musician who came to Taiwan in the late 1990s. Born to Taiwanese immigrant parents who emigrated to the American Midwest in the late 1960s/early 1970s, David is steeped in traditional American roots music, including blues, early jazz and folk. This event features some of his original songwriting, which have utilized these styles to touch upon the Asian-American experience, on topics including Filipino-American author Carlos Bulosan, and the role of Chinese Americans in the Civil War. He is the bandleader for the popular jug band The Muddy Basin Ramblers and is known for his work as producer and multi-instrumentalist with Taiwanese Hakka singer Lo Sirong.


Chung Yufeng is a Taiwanese pipa player and composer, known for her critically-acclaimed solo album "Pendulum" (2018). Born to a Taiwanese mother and an immigrant father from Guangdong Province, Yufeng's wide-ranging interests and evocative compositions draw both from her traditional Chinese classical training and a deep interest in world folk music. For this event, she draws particular inspiration from the travel experiences of her father, who came to Taiwan as a soldier with the Kuomintang in 1949 from the village of Wuhua in Guangdong Province, China.

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