Tokyo Kurds
日向史有 Fumiari Hyuga | 2018 | 日本 Japan | 彩色 Colour | 20 min
★ 2018 印尼日惹亞洲電影節 JAFF
★ 2019 韓國國際紀錄片影展 DMZ Docs
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.06 TUE. 13:00 ▎10.10 SAT. 19:00 ▎
18-year-old Ozan is a Turkish Kurd who came to Japan as a child. He and his family are considered illegal aliens in Japan, where gaining official refugee status is extremely difficult. They are among 1,500 Kurds who have come to Tokyo over the past twenty years. Director Fumiari Hyuga provides a glimpse of Ozan's life during one summer, in which he takes on hard construction work and harbors dreams for the future, despite his feelings of alienation from Japanese society.
導演 Director | 日向史有 Fumiari Hyuga
2006年加入「日本紀錄片有限公司(Documentary Japan)」,並為國營電視台日本廣播協會(NHK)製作社會紀實節目。曾赴烏克蘭東部衝突區,記錄青年在強制征兵制度下的掙扎;也曾拍攝日本境內的敘利亞難民。善於講述振奮人心的故事,喚起人們對特殊群體的關注。2018年製作的短片《東京浪人》入選加拿大國際紀錄片影展,並榮獲日本電視新聞最高榮譽「銀河獎」(Galaxy Awards)等等。
Fumiari Hyuga has worked at the production company Documentary Japan since 2006. His work includes a number of NHK documentaries, with topics covering conscripted soldiers in Ukraine's Civil War, Syrian refugees in Japan, and African-American protests against police brutality in New York. His short "Tokyo Kurds" (2018) won the Excellence Award at the TokyoDocs Short Documentary showcase, and a Galaxy Award for TV journalism.