The Song of Grassroots
尤達.古尼亞灣 Yuda Kurniawan | 2018 | 印尼 Indonesia | 彩色 Colour | 107 min
★ 2018 釜山國際影展 BIFF
★ 2018 印尼日惹亞洲電影節 JAFF
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.03 SAT. 17:00 ▎
+ 19:30 // 專題講座 //【草根之歌:詩人維吉.圖庫爾】羅浩原
▎10.09 FRI. 13:30 ▎
1998年,印尼詩人、社會運動者維吉.圖庫爾因反抗蘇哈托政權而失蹤。其兒子法加.玫拉繼承父親意志, 2010年成立獨立樂團「玫拉敘事」,以音樂再現圖庫爾的詩作,述說著暴政下的草根人民之聲。距離圖庫爾失蹤16年後的2014年,適逢印尼總統大選,法加與家人將尋找父親及其他受害者的希望,寄託在其中一名候選人——佐科威身上。究竟這位新上任的總統是否有能力處理籠罩印尼近四十年的歷史陰影,替受害者們伸張正義?
Fajar Merah, the son of Wiji Thukul, the Indonesian poet and human rights activist who disappeared in 1998 during the Suharto regime, is determined to carry on his father's legacy. The 23 year-old formed the band Merah Bercerita, which has put his father's poetry to music. Shot in 2014, Merah and his family have placed their hopes on the latest presidential candidate, Joko Widodo, to win the election and help them to find justice for Thukul and other victims of the Suharto regime.
導演 Director | 尤達.古尼亞灣 Yuda Kurniawan
1982年生於印尼高原小鎮魯滕,21歲起任剪輯師和導演,曾在國營電視台製作紀錄片及電影,獲印尼影展最高榮譽「芝特拉獎」。作品《Pesantren Way’s of Dakwah》紀錄印尼悠久的伊斯蘭習經院。《The Ballads of Cinema Lovers》則向印尼最重要的電影社群 CLC Purbalingga 致敬。該組織14年來帶領中學生製作影像,培育無數新生代創作人,更在資金獨立下,連10年舉辦一個月的電影節,開創討論空間。尤達也是紀錄片團體 Rekam Docs 創辦人。
Yuda Kurniawan (b. 1982) is a producer, director and founder of the group Rekam Docs, an association of documentary filmmakers and enthusiasts. His films include Pesantren Way's of Dakwah (2016) and "Song of Grassroots," for which he won the Indonesia Film Festival's Citra Award -- the highest achievement for his country's filmmakers, for Best Documentary in 2018.