Taste of Cement
齊亞德・卡勒蘇姆 Ziad Kalthoum | 2017 | 德國 Germany、黎巴嫩 Lebanon、敘利亞 Syria、阿拉伯聯合大公國 UAE、卡達 Qatar | 85 min
★ 2017 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展 IDFA
★ 2017 瑞士真實影展 Visions du Réel
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.06 TUE. 13:00 ▎10.10 SAT. 19:00 ▎
In Beirut, migrant workers are building a skyscraper -- all while their very own homes in Syria are being bombed. They cannot leave the construction site because the Lebanese government has imposed night-time curfews on these refugees of the Syrian War. The workers must stay in a pit below the skyscraper, where they watch TV news about their homeland and process the memories of a war they escaped. This documentary essay portrays a group of exiles, who are trying to cope with an anguish and anxiety that can only be temporarily drowned out by hammering and welding.
導演 Director | 齊亞德・卡勒蘇姆 Ziad Kalthoum
1981年在敘利亞霍姆斯出生,目前定居柏林。首部作品《Oh My Heart》記錄一群不與男性同住的庫德女性,因政治因素在敘利亞禁映。2012年,敘利亞內戰爆發,齊亞德在服強制兵役時,著手拍攝首部長片《不朽中士》(The Immortal Seargant)。隔年,他因抗拒與同鄉開戰而逃離軍隊,到黎巴嫩首都貝魯特避難,並開始創作《水泥的滋味》。此片在各國得獎無數,也榮獲瑞士真實影展最佳紀錄片。
Ziad Kalthoum is a Syrian filmmaker currently based in Berlin. Born in Homs in 1981, Kalthoum holds a degree in film studies. His first documentary "Oh My Heart" (2009), about a group of Kurdish women who chose to live in a society without men, was banned in Syria for political reasons. In 2012, during the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, he started work on "The Immortal Sergeant" (2014) during his compulsory military service. The film premiered at Locarno in 2014,, and won the Best Feature Documentary award at the BBC Arabic Festival. Out of refusal to fight his own countrymen, Kalthoum deserted the Syrian Army and fled to Beirut, where he began work on "Taste of Cement" .