The Hakka and the Taiwan Railways: A Trilogy
賴韋戎 Lai Wei-rong | 2020 | 台灣 Taiwan | 彩色 Colour | 總長 70min
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.04 SUN. 12:20 ▎
The Hakka in Taiwan have a long and intertwined history with the Taiwan Railways system, which is featured in this documentary series. They represented a majority of the workers hired to lay down railroad tracks when construction began in 1887. Many Hakka were also employed as train conductors and station masters across the island in the Railway's early days. Back then, getting a train ticket was difficult, but if a passenger spoke Hakka, she or he would be able to get a seat home. This film traces the ties between Hakka migration to the Railway's expansion across the island.
導演 Director | 賴韋戎 Lai Wei-rong