Still Sway on Sanleko
尤基.弗亞 Yogi Fuad | 2018 | 印尼 Indonesia | 彩色 Colour | 19 min
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.04 SUN. 11:00 ▎10.10 SAT. 13:00 ▎
赫斯力‧思提亞灣 (Hesri Setiawan) 跟親友重返他被放逐禁閉的所在薩瓦那加亞村。伴隨他碎片般的記憶,尋找舊時囚友的墳塚。在三烈口海邊,他對女兒柯恩敘述舊日作為政治犯的黑暗記憶。然而,記憶卻沒有留下任任何證物,消失的人物與場景,時間也銷毀了所有記憶的見證與遺產。
Hesri Setiawan, a writer forced into hiding during the Suharto regime, revisits his place of exile in Savanajaya Village. During the visit, Hesri looks for his past roommate's grave, and the search turns into a pilgrimage. Meanwhile, he recounts some dark memories as a political prisoner with his daughter Ken. The disappearance of many sites leaves Hesri with few traces of history to serve as testimony.
導演 Director | 尤基.弗亞 Yogi Fuad
紀錄片工作者、製作人,畢業於日惹藝術學院,音樂及民族音樂學系。尤基將藝術家拉洪·納蘇提安 (Rahung Nasution) 的《布魯島,我眼裡的家鄉》腳本素才,重新剪輯而成《時光逆旅》,入圍「芝特拉獎」最佳短片。另一新作《勇者紀事》(A Brave Man Story) 則是他與家人之間的「黑色喜劇」,紀錄哥哥加入印尼溫和派伊斯蘭民兵組織班薩 (Banser) 後,屢遭追債的故事。
Born towards the end of the Suharto era in Indonesia, Yogi Fuad studied ethnomusicology at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Yogyakarta. He made his first documentary in 2013, and won the Best Short Documentary Award at Kuala Lumpur's SeaShort Film Festival for "Along the One Way" (2016).