家庭生活 // 免費入場 FREE ENTRY //
Scenes from a Family
鄭瑋萱 Zheng Wei-xuan | 2018 | 台灣 Taiwan | 彩色 Colour | 31 min
★ 2018 桃園城市紀錄片
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.08 THU. 16:30 ▎10.09 FRI. 12:00 ▎
After selling all of their belongings, Ho Rong-hui, his wife and three children left Indonesia to come to Taiwan in 2015. This film looks at how they've adjusted to their new lives in Taoyuan. Ho, who works part-time and goes to school, struggles with breathing problems. The mother, full of worry over the family's economic situation in a foreign place, stays at home to care for their 2-year-old daughter La-sha, 9-year-old daughter La-la, and 14-year-old son La-ma, who is dealing with the trials and tribulations of puberty. Can they find a path to a happier life?
導演 Director | 鄭瑋萱 Zheng Wei-xuan
畢業於世新大學廣電系。2017年,耗時一年跟拍三個穆斯林家庭,完成畢業製作《歡迎光臨龍崗清真寺》,此後持續關注在臺生活的穆斯林。因緣際會下,鄭緯萱在2018年赴桃園完成《家庭生活》,拍攝焦點漸漸從對伊斯蘭的好奇,回歸到「家」與「人」身上。去年以企劃案《The Move》赴日惹參加ASIADOC紀錄片工作坊,繼續跟拍畢製裡的主角。最新作品《嗨!我的印尼鄰居》獲選新北市紀錄片優選獎。
Zheng Wei-xuan is a graduate of Shih Hsin University's Department of Radio, Television, and Film. She spent a full year (2017-2018) filming a documentary on three Muslim families in Taiwan, which resulted in her graduation project "Welcom to Longgang Mosque," which sparked a further interest in exploring Islam in her work. Her latest film, "Hello to My Indonesian Neighbors" was shortlisted at the New Taipei City Documentary Film Festival.