小寫的 I // 免費入場 FREE ENTRY //
Little 'I'
吳文睿 Wu Wen-rui | 2019 | 台灣 Taiwan | 彩色 Colour | 99 min
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.03 SAT. 12:30 ▎+ // 映後QA // 鍾永豐、吳文睿
▎10.08 THU. 13:00 ▎
This documentary profiles the Hakka writer Zhong Yongfeng, who is best known as the award-winning lyricist and songwriting partner of Taiwanese folk singer Lin Sheng-xiang. Throughout his ongoing endeavors, Zhong has also taken on other high-profile roles: social and environmental activist, author of essays on Taiwan society and culture, and government official. Director Wu Wen-rui's film tries to peel some of these tangled layers of public identity to glimpse at a more personal side of Zhong.
導演 Director | 吳文睿 Wu Wen-rui
Born in Pingtung, Wu Wen-rui is an independent filmmaker and a graduate of the College of Sound and Image Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts. His main interest is in employing multiple narrative techniques in non-fiction storytelling. He gained wide attention for his graduation project in 2011, "It's Fine if I Don't Exist" and his short documentary "Funeral Video" (2017) received a nomination for a prize at the Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival.