| 為未來的歷史建檔 FUTURE HISTORY |
Last Hope
雷席多 Ret Sithort | 2019 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 彩色 Colour | 13 min
★ 2019 柬埔寨波法娜影音檔案中心「發聲計畫」
Bophana Center: VOICE Project
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.07 WED. 13:00 ▎
▎10.08 THU. 19:00 ▎+// 映後QA // 黃書慧
Phun Mlek quit school to work as a rice farmer to support her family. Her mother works as a wine-maker, but is not in good health. Her father works far from home. Mlek has three younger siblings: a younger brother who also quit school to help in the fields. The others, another little brother and a little sister, both go to school. The brother prefers to play games, which leaves the little sister as the family's last hope.
導演 Director | 雷席多 Ret Sithort
Sithort Ret is studying at the Royal University of Agriculture Year 3. In 2006, he has joined the training course about life skills, IT for a week in 2016 at VSO organization Mondulkiri province. “I see the problems which women and girls have to face in my community especially in lack of education.” Sithort wants to use films, a medium he is passionate about since his childhood, to support the empowerment of women and children and to enable them to live without discrimination.