| 為未來的歷史建檔 FUTURE HISTORY |
Kanab (My Path)
蕭博奧 Sev Poav | 2019 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 彩色 Colour | 7 min
★ 2019 柬埔寨波法娜影音檔案中心「發聲計畫」
Bophana Center: VOICE Project
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.07 WED. 13:00 ▎
▎10.08 THU. 19:00 ▎+// 映後QA //
When they got married, Ye Romam was 15 and Kan Rochom 18. Ye is an orphan and decided to marry to relieve her aunt of the burden of caring for her. The aunt had two children of her own, and was dealing with an abusive husband. A year after their marriage, Ye and Kan had a baby born with health issues, which required surgery. The young couple had to borrow US$250, which they are still trying to pay back, two years later.
導演 Director | 蕭博奧 Sev Poav
“Rape and murder are sensitive issues, which cause fear among women and girls in the Jarai community.” Poav adds that the older people of his community do not encourage their children to study, and even forbid them to express themselves in public. Nevertheless, Poav is determined to encourage the women in his community and to amplify their voices. He is interested in promoting indigenous identity, culture, language, and traditional instruments.