The Fall of the I-Hotel
蔡觀偉 Curtis Choy | 1983,1993,2005 | 美國 US | 彩色 Colour | 59 min
★ 1986 舊金山國際電影節 San Francisco International Film Festival
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.07 WED. 14:40 ▎10.10 SAT. 10:00 ▎
The early wave of Filipino emigrants to the US in the 1920s and 1930s, also known as "manongs," helped build America. Their sacrifice and labor were not repaid in kind. One such Filipino San Francisco community saw their home wiped out by urban renewal. In 1977, fifty manong residents of the International Hotel, aka the I-Hotel, were forcibly evicted from their home by 300 police officers in the middle of the night. This film documents the destruction of the last remaining block of Manilatown on Kearny Street.
導演 Director | 蔡觀偉 Curtis Choy
美國資深混音師,曾參與電影《喜福會》的聲音製作,同時為獨立紀錄片導演,數十年來關注亞裔美國人歷史,作品題材包括探討舊金山中國城美籍華裔社會與經濟狀況的散文電影《都板街》(Dupont Guy: The Schiz of Grant Avenue)以及紀錄美國亞裔劇場運動先驅者趙建秀 (Frank Chin) 的《法蘭克是怎麼回事?》(What’s Wrong with Frank Chin)。《詩人的抗爭現場》追隨菲裔詩人艾爾·柔柏雷思 (Al Robles) 的腳步,詳盡呈現舊金山低收入亞裔族群定居的國際旅店遭暴力迫遷之過程,珍貴的歷史畫面,後來成為亞裔美國人研究的必備資料,及居住正義課題的重要案例。
Curtis Choy is an independent producer and veteran film industry worker who has contributed to numerous independent and PBS documentaries, commercials and feature films as a production sound mixer. His sound recording work can be heard on "The Joy Luck Club", "Better Luck Tomorrow", and Academy Award winner "Breathing Lessons". As director, Choy has explored Asian-American issues in "Dupont Guy: The Schiz of Grant Avenue" (1976), "The Fall of The I-Hotel" (1983) and "What's Wrong With Frank Chin?"(2005).