| 為未來的歷史建檔 FUTURE HISTORY |
Don't Give Up
朴拉尼 Phok Rany | 2019 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 彩色 Colour | 11 min
★ 2019 柬埔寨波法娜影音檔案中心「發聲計畫」
Bophana Center: VOICE Project
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.07 WED. 13:00 ▎
▎10.08 THU. 19:00 ▎+// 映後QA // 黃書慧
In Ratanakiri province, Chhorvy is doing her best to teach children the Kreng language. Students regularly attend classes but are not very diligent about doing their homework. Supported by the students’ parents and her husband, who works away from home, Chhorvy does not give up. For her, the preservation of their identity is at stake.
導演 Director | 朴拉尼 Phok Rany
In 2015, Rany graduated in Economics at Royal University of Law and Economics in Phnom Penh.“Women are as capable as men” is the statement that inspired Rany to leave her hometown and to study in Phnom Penh in 2010. In her community, there are two major issues affecting women and indigenous children: health and education. She aims to inform women in her community about the importance of education and to encourage them to pursue their dreams.