楨姐 // 免費入場 FREE ENTRY //
Dang Tu trinh
蔡宗憲 Tsai Zong-xian | 2019 | 台灣 Taiwan | 彩色 Colour | 27 min
★ 2019 桃園城市紀錄片
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.08 THU. 16:30 ▎10.09 FRI. 12:00 ▎
離開時會想念,相聚時會歡笑。面對乖迭的生命,她時而柔軟,時而堅毅,20 年前從越南薄遼嫁來台灣桃園,現在龍東路上賣著好吃的牛肉米線,她用心維繫家庭,努力工作,認真生活,她是楨姐,Đặng Tú trinh,一位對愛充滿韌性的母親 。
This profile of Đặng Tú trinh, a Vietnamese immigrant to Taiwan, tells the story of mother who is tough and full of love. Đặng left home in Bac Lieu Province several decades ago after marrying a Taiwanese man. Now living in Longdong, Taoyuan County, she runs a street stall selling noodles, working hard to make a living while keeping her household in good order.
導演 Director | 蔡宗憲 Tsai Zong-xian
Born in 1983 in Tainan, Tsai Zong-xian studied fine arts in university and used to work as a crew member on a merchant ship. After completing his military service, he picked up a camera, and immediately became enamored with documenting daily life. As an indie filmmaker, he goes to work at sea whenever he needs to fund a project. His recent film "Baobi" earned a bronze award at the Changhua Independent Film Festival.