鍾肇政文學路 // 免費入場 FREE ENTRY //
The Literary Path of Chung Chao-cheng
黃玉珊 Huang Yu-shan | 2006 | 台灣 Taiwan | 彩色 Colour | 56 min
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.03 SAT. 10:30 ▎+ // 映後QA // 葉姿麟
This film looks at the creative path of Chung Chao-sheng (1925-2020), a Taoyuan County-born Hakka writer and highly regarded figure in Taiwanese nativist literature. The prolific novelist is best known for his Taiwanese Trilogy, which took a decade to write and is set during the Japanese Occupation of Taiwan from 1895 to 1945. The trilogy, consisting of the books "Depravity," "Blue Sea Path," and "Song for Chatian Mountain," tells the story of the Zong family through three generations, while also documenting changes in Taiwanese society.
導演 Director | 黃玉珊 Huang Yu-shan
Born in 1954 in Penghu and raised in Kaohsiung, filmmaker, director, and novelist Huang Yu-shan is one of the founders of the South Taiwan Film Festival. Her own work focuses on women's issues. At the start of her career, she made documentaries and moved on to dramas and short films. She holds a Master's Degree in film from New York University and is currently a professor at the College of Sound and Image Arts at the Tainan National University of the Arts.