A Poet: Unconcealed Poetry
嘎林.努戈羅和 Garin Nugroho | 2000 | 印尼 Indonesia | 黑白 B&W | 84 min
★ 2018 印尼日惹奈派克亞洲電影節 JAFF
★ 2001 新加坡國際電影節 奈派克/費比西獎 Singapore International Film Festival
★ 2000 盧卡諾影展影像競賽單元銀豹獎 Locarno Film Festival
★ 2001 鹿特丹影展 IFFR
△ 放映場次 Schedule
▎10.02 FRI. 19:30 ▎// 開幕場 // 詩.身體.記憶:電影╳舞蹈現場
This is one of the earliest films to comment on Indonesia's communist purge in 1965 and 1966, with poet Ibrahim Kadir playing himself in this re-dramatization, shot in black and white, and set only within two prison cells and a guard's room. Kadir and others were arrested in 1965 on false accusations of having communist sympathies. The film plays out the scene inside the detention center, where they voice their sorrows through Acehnese poetry-song compositions called didong. While this may be considered a voice of protest, it was also an act to keep one's sanity. As the days go by, the prisoners dwindle in number, as they are executed one after another.
導演 Director | 嘎林.努戈羅和 Garin Nugroho
印尼殿堂級導演,創作橫跨紀錄片、劇情片、劇場編導,日惹亞洲電影節創辦人。影像題材關注印尼敏感課題並提出質疑,紀實及藝術兼具,探究政治、爪哇文化、印尼殖民史等面向,歌頌詩歌傳統。多產的他呈現了印尼的豐富縮影,《來自爪哇的女人》(A Woman from Java) 描述荷蘭殖民時的女性故事、《親吻你的淚痕》(Bird Man Tale) 關注西巴布亞地區族群獨立運動;《蒙蔽的青春》(The Blindfold) 見證伊斯蘭極端主義的興起;最新作品《我身記憶》(Memories of My Body) 則以舞蹈討論性別與身體政治等。
Garin Nugroho is an award-winning Indonesian film director and writer who studied both law and cinematography. His directorial debut, Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti (Love in a Slice of Bread), won Best Film at the Indonesian Film Festival in 1991. His other films include 1994's "Surat Untuk Bidadari" (Letter to an Angel), "Opera Jawa" (2006) and "Memories of My Body (2018).