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When Jazz Was Folk Music

泥灘地浪人 The Muddy Basin Ramblers 來自八方,落腳台北  US/UK/TAIWAN

演出場次:9/22 SAT. 19:00

In 2003, a group of American and British expatriate musicians, who half-jokingly called themselves "the Muddy Basin Ramblers," took the stage at Taipei's Da-An Park for the Migration Music Festival.  


At the time, they had no idea that their fun and highly-spirited take on early American blues and roots music would leave a lasting impression. They didn't know they would later help ignite a new craze for swing music across Taiwan. Nor did they know that one of their CDs would even get nominated for a Grammy.


Fifteen years later, in 2018, the Muddy Basin Ramblers return to MMF to celebrate the release of their new album, "Hold That Tiger." The Ramblers have remained true to their musical roots, but equally,  they seek to push the boundaries of traditional music by recasting it in fresh, new forms.


Bandleader and songwriter David Chen dove into American and Taiwanese folklore to write original songs for the band's 2013 release "Formosa Medicine Show" (which earned a best packaging nomination at the Grammys).


With "Hold That Tiger," the music has evolved even further. David has dug deeper, weaving together an intricate collection of stories that nods to jazz's folk roots and the genre's impact on mainstream culture. Many of the new songs also comment on issues that resonate everywhere today, from race and immigration to religion and belief in the modern world -- all delivered with compassion, soul and humor.

The Muddy Basin Ramblers are: David Chen (Vocals, Guitar, Banjo), Cristina Cox (Violin, Mandolin, Vocals), Tim Hogan (Vocals, Washboard and Drums), TC Lin (Washtub bass, Trumpet, Euphonium), Sandy Murray (Saxophones, Ukulele), Conor Prunty (Harmonicas, Washtub Bass), and Will Thelin (Vocals, Trombone, Jug).


David Chen |演唱、吉他、斑鳩琴、軍鼓

Cristina Cox |小提琴、曼陀鈴、短笛

Tim Hogan|打擊樂、小鼓、洗衣板

TC Lin |臉盆貝斯、小號、洗衣板

Sandy Murray|薩克斯風、烏克麗麗、卡祖笛

Conor Prunty|口琴、臉盆貝斯、吉他

Will Thelin|演唱、長號、瓶罐、卡祖笛

更多關於泥灘地浪人的故事 Read More > >>




2002年,一群定居台北的美國人、英國人,偶爾聚集新店溪畔玩音樂。音樂是他們業餘的娛興,也是異鄉夜間的歸處。他們風趣、幽默,帶點搞笑的表演,踢他舞,玩具笛、台製塑膠澡盆製成的貝斯、洗衣板成節奏樂器,將美國的瓶罐樂隊(Jug Band)傳統移植台北。這群操著美國、英格蘭、愛爾蘭口音的「老外」,共有的音樂認同是藍草、藍調、爵士與搖擺,這些源於美國的「鄉土」樂風,在台北這個多雨、潮濕的盆地落地生根後,成為「泥灘地浪人」(The Muddy Basin Ramblers)。




樂隊靈魂人物David Chen,出生在美國俄亥俄州的台裔家庭。2002年開始自娛走唱,演唱黑人藍調經典。巡演中,逐漸累積自己的創作,David擅長精確地描繪「老外」與這城市的糾葛,勾勒出不同於台灣人視角,卻又生活感與「本土味」十足,地道又混血的「鄉土味」。


David Chen與「泥灘地浪人」的第二張專輯《寶島賣藥秀》,是張完整的概念專輯。專輯敘述1900至1950年間在台灣、亞洲、美國,不同時空背景下,有著相似命運與生活樣態的小販、遊民、江湖樂人的傳說。而樂隊自身的流離性格,也貫穿在這些故事角色與身影間。專輯包裝與樂隊的衣著扮相,以及現場演出的「賣藥秀」的再現,David Chen 將歷史考證、傳說軼事,編寫在復古的聲響美學中(包括錄音及現場的麥克風選用),某種奇幻、逗趣卻又無比寫實的故事張力,讓專輯還魂了說書人的角色,扮演多重身份,台灣賣藥郎、非裔美人的賣藝人、亞洲江湖郎中,混雜爵士、搖擺(Swing)、散拍(Ragtime)、藍調、藍草、以及航海小調等多種音樂形式,包裹在某種窮人劇場的形式中,演成一部戲中戲的賣藥音樂秀。




「泥灘地浪人」擅長在各式「舞台」上發揮,街頭、小酒吧、party 、公園,或是大型音樂節,他們都能靈活自如地享受,並樂於與來自不同音樂背景的樂人合作。他們曾與加拿大唱作人Dana Wylie、台灣民謠樂人林生祥、沖繩大師 Takashi Hirayasu、以及著名美國藍調樂手 Nathan James合作。「泥灘地浪人」也曾有幸於 2005 年擔任 Michelle Shocked 在台北演出的伴奏樂團。



David Chen與「流浪」的淵源極深,除了參與演出外,他更是「流浪之歌音樂節」的長期志工,擔任音樂節手冊文字編寫以及節目主持人。他跟萬芳搭擋主持了多屆的「流浪」大舞台。


十五年後,David Chen與「泥灘地浪人」終於再次回到「流浪」舞台演出,他們將帶來最新專輯《擒虎記》的全本首演!這個陣容更為壯大的「瓶罐樂隊」(Jug Band),將繼續他們絕不純正的音樂系譜,自製與揉雜,「泥灘地浪人」無疑是台灣特產。

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