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▲ 巡迴場次一覽
From Border to Border
台灣 Taiwan 2013|106 min|Color HD
語言 Languages 華語、客語、粵語、英語、印度語 Chinese ( Mandarin, Hakka, Cantonese) English, Hindi
字幕 Subtitles 繁體中文、英文 Traditional Chinese or English
導演 Director 鍾適芳 CHUNG, Shefong
製作 Produced by
大大樹音樂圖像 trees music & art
監製與版權所有 Copyright
台灣客家電視台 客家委員會Hakka TV, Hakka Affairs Council, Taiwan
印度的加爾各答,有多元的族群與文化,還有其他印度城市所沒有的「唐人街」與「中國早餐」。家鄉動盪貧困的華人,從兩百年前開始遷徙的路徑,他們漂移過海,長途跋涉,抵達在英屬印度時期的「黃金地」加爾各答 。
《邊界移動兩百年》以八個章節,探見印度華人兩百年間的「來」與「去」,影片呈現老中青三代印度華人身處時代邊緣的記憶碎片,對照歷史影像紀錄、印度左翼導演Mrinal Sen《藍色天空下》電影見證的1930年代,拼貼出印度華人在時代洪流中消聲的歷史,今日的生活處境與心理狀態,以及變動中的未來。
Taking place in Calcutta’s Chinatown, From Border to Border recalls the complicated relationship that continues to divide India’s ethnic Chinese and mainstream Indian communities. Supposedly marked by social exclusion and self-segregation, the ethnic Chinese community has remained a mystery despite generations of living in India. Through a collection of oral narratives, Chung Shefong and her film crew carefully uncover the intriguing yet troubled history of India’s Chinese community. Starting from the Chinese community’s arrival in India in the 1800s, to the effects of the 1962 Sino-Indian border conflict, to their recent mass emigration, From Border to Border puts voices to faces as interviewees retell their histories and describe their experiences living with generational discrimination and alienation, cultural preservation and familial expectations.
影片預告 Trailer