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以兩集紀錄片來講述兩百年來難得被關注,文化多元、歷史複雜、又政治糾葛的族群故事,當然是不夠的,但《邊界移動兩百年》是一份濃縮了的精華盛宴,作者對當事者和議題充滿智慧、熱誠和用心,讓移民印度的華人族群生命經驗在這部紀錄片中鮮活而深刻。每一位受訪者令人驚豔。他們以載負了各自背景、血脈、文化的獨特語言與辭彙講述出豐盛、真誠的生命故事。無論是他們本身的冒險,或是先人移民的艱辛,每一段都極為精采動人,甚至令人心疼。尤其是鍾河芳、來回中印的編輯先生和那位必須在集中營裡生產的女性。受訪者感性的敘事與旁白中理性的歷史政局陳述,產生了很強的衝擊性。《邊界移動兩百年》的影像、聲音和音樂風格也充分反映出主題的多元文化;從印度街景,華人社區、次文化的遷變,到傳統與現代的撞擊與試探,都在極為飽滿的色彩、珍貴的stock footage、詩意的構圖、流暢的動畫、剪接與音樂中得到風格鮮明的表達。






Thomas Chen ,印度華人工程師,影片受訪者

Firstly, congratulation for completing an informative and ground reality film on Indian Chinese.  We can see how much effort, sweat and pain has gone into it.  Hats off to the team for touching such a controversial topic (1962 war), and handling it with out most sensitivity.  Though the language is predominantly in Hakka and at times may be difficult for me to interpret, but the visuals covey a lot of information and takes the narration forward. The songs have been used very effectively, and are in sync with the narration.  My favorite is the Bengali song "O Nodi re" and the visuals....hmm...the visual showcasing the river side in the early hours of the day in particular look stunning!!!.  In addition, the visual of tea garden showing change of colour has been captured  beautifully, and could have been used as a symbol to indicate or suggest a change for improvement or better. Just a rough thought.  On an all Kudos!! 


I would also like to add ...that the use of connectives have been used effectively and gives a smooth flow to the narration, for instance, the scene where it shows a tram running through China and India Map shows the flow of people from China to India;  The monologue "we wait for that knock on the door every midnight" is followed by the sound on the TV (Chopping of  vegetables, giving a a sound of a knock). Very interesting!!!


Yeeva Cheng, board member of Association of India Deoli Camp Internees 1962 (印華集中營難友協會)

"As proud as I am to tell others that my family is from the Chinese-Indian community, there is a convoluted history that I have always struggled to explain. Being Hakka Chinese. Tangra and its leather tanneries. 1962 and the border war. The concentration camp. The poverty. Where does one even begin?  

Narrated by members of India’s small but close-knit Chinese community, “From Border to Border” manages to capture and portray the odd and complicated relationship and history that the ethnic Chinese and Indian communities share and struggle to overcome.  As a board member of the Canadian-based Association of Indian Deoli Camp Internees 1962, I was so impressed with the level of humanity, voice and agency that the documentary granted to its interviewees.  As I watched “From Border to Border,” the stories, the faces, the voices brought me back home.  Haunting and truthful, this documentary liberates the Chinese-Indian community of its silence and anonymity."





靜靜聽了一遍,作為一張原聲帶,我覺得City Borders故事說得很出色:遷徙地的原聲、故土的懷想、習俗(Paradise、Dragon)、印度認同(Jana Gana Mana)、移民在大時代下的悲歌(Train to Deoli),聲音和音樂編排十分平衡 ,手風琴貫穿流暢,我覺得真的做得非常好。


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